
写事作文2023-11-04 12:50:39壹默



英语四级作文的万能句式 (篇一)

1、 复杂结构,在下面例句中,由于anyone的定语从句过长,把谓语must realize提到定语从句之前。

Though f .baihuaen.cn aith and confidence are surely more or lass foreign to my nature, I do not infrequently find myself looking to them to be able, diligent, candid, and even honest. Plainly enough, that is too large an order, as anyone must realize ho reflects upon the manner in hich they reach public office.

2、 notany more than为:不能,正如不能。 One cannot learn to sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to sim hile standing by the pool.

3、 By that as it may是Let it be that as it may的省略形式,是由be引起的另外一种假设结构,意思是虽然如此,尽管这样。 It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the to, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a ne product from an improved formula. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business ith man far more quickly than the blood poison.

4、 if at all是一个由if引起的主谓结构不完整的短句结为即将,即使等。 I can see only ith great difficulty, if at all.

5、 由there引起的句型容易产生复杂的句子结构。 There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in hich my ork is the beginning, ays and means by hich other minds more accurate than ine ill explore its remote corners.

6、 range from to结构。这是一个常见结构,译时很多情况下应变通处理,不能完全依靠辞典上的释义。 Computer applications range from an assembly line completely run by computers to a children toy responding to remote signals.

英语四级作文的万能句式 (篇二)

1.Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern.


2.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as ell.


3.Noadays, has become a problem e have to face.


4.It is commonly believed that / It is a common belief that


5.Many people insist that


6.With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that


7.A lot of people seem to think that



Peoples vies on vary from person to person. Some hold that 。 Hoever, others believe that. 人们对的观点因人而异。有些人认为。. 然而其他人却认为。.。

People may have different opinions on 人们对可能会有不同的见解。

Attitudes toards vary from person to person. 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。

英语四级作文万能句型 (篇三)

1.No one can deny the fact that 。.。

2.The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3.Unfortunately, none of the available data shos 。.。

4.Recent studies indicate that 。.。

5.There is sufficientevidence to sho that 。.。

6.According to statistics proved by 。.。, it can be seen that 。.。


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