
写事作文2023-11-04 11:49:39壹默



考拉的英语作文 (篇一)

Koalas are from Australia.They are about 70-80 centermeters long.They are very cute and friendly,but they are lazy. They have big ears,and they look like a litter bear,but they don't have tail.they fur color are hite and gray.Their limbs are very strong.They sleep about 14 hours on one day.

They like eating leaves,but they hardly ever drink ater.They often in trees.Koalas are our friends,e all like them!

考拉的.英语作文 (篇二)

the koala is a strange animal, a bit like a panda, a bit like a mouse. It is only in Australia, although it is not a national treasure, but it can be compared ith the status in Australia. David kangaroo koala is a kind of rare animal, is a strange animal. Koalas sleep every day time to at least 20 hours, is sleepy. If you do it ith your hands is completely indifferent, because there are 30/100 similar things and hypnotic in its blood.

Koala is from Australia in the southern hemisphere. They don't live in trees, nor do they need to build nests ith branches or leaves. They usually only live in tree forks, but occasionally they rest on branches. Koala is a nocturnal animal. They spend most of their time sleeping and resting during the day. Their favorite food is eucalyptus leaves. They eat, sleep and sleep like a sleepy bug. No onder they gro so fat.

Koala, also knon as the koalas, is a marsupial in Australia. It resembles a teddy bear, a chubby body, are all very lovely. It has a pair of small eyes, than other nocturnal animal are small, and the koala vision is poor, rely on a keen sense of smell and hearing life in the forest. Kola has a hairy nose that looks like a rubber skin. It looks funny and lovely. "Small things" have a big ear, usually too far aay to facilitate the transmission of information. "There are five fingers small things in the palm, finger and thumb and other three fingers to grip, so that you can hold objects more smoothly. As for the second toe and third toe is tied together, like tooth comb, comb hairines very convenient.

When it comes to koala's sleep time, you ill think that koala is really lazy. There are 18-20 hours in a day in sleep, only a fe hours in activity. Want to take a koala eyes to a second before opening his eyes, after a second spirit drift to the inds go. Kola's "sleeping nerve" is really ell developed. No matter here and What posture it is, you can sleep steadily. So Kola alays greets guests ith some strange sleeping positions. For example, a koala in beteen the branches of sitting cross legged, hand in one in doing the dance moves. The Kola that sleeps on the tree makes people feel "sprout"。

Kola has a pleasing face and is one of the most popular animals in the zoo. It has a pair of furry ears, feels like the hite clouds in the sky as soft, beautiful black eyes, like a beautiful black diamond, has attracted many tourists to atch, it has poerful clas, can firmly grasp the branches, even sleeping in the tree, no the problem.

考拉的英语作文 (篇三)

On November 19, 2008, our Donghua primary school organized a social practice activity - visiting Xiangjiang zoo.

The eather in November is crisp in autumn, ith high sky and light clouds. Along the ay, the carriage as full of laughter. The guide brother sang and told jokes ith us.。. We had a lot of fun. About an hour's drive, e arrived at Xiangjiang zoo.

First, e took a small train to visit some rare birds and animals, hich made my eyes full. There are tigers, lions, and elk called "four unlike"

After getting off the train, e ent to the Australian Garden. Among them, the koala is the most unforgettable to me. Koala is the national treasure of Australia. Although it looks like a bear, it is not a bear. Koalas have short necks and ears. Their bodies are hairy and cool like a big Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom. You see, above its big bare nose, a pair of black eyes dribble around. It's extremely cute. It's simply a live plush toy. When e ent to see it, the koalas ere all sleeping. "Oh!" Koalas used to sleep for 22 hours a day. This is because the leaves they like to eat contain a lot of sleeping ingredients. Looking at the sleeping koalas, I'm a little orried about hether they ill fall from the tree. In that case, the "big pommel" ill become a "small meat pie"。 Hoever, I found the anser from the information on the all: koalas are very stable and ill not fall from trees

In a tinkling of an eye, the day passed. The golden sunshine bathed us, and e reluctantly left the Xiangjiang ildlife orld.

考拉的英语作文 (篇四)

The koala is Australia's a small animal,It is smaller, the hole body is mostly gray. A small number of is hite.There are to fluffy ears, eyes, nose and mouth are small nose is black,Very cute!

Koalas like a kangaroo has a pouch,The koala mother after gre up in the small koalas in the pouch,And then to find a tree for the koala baby koala on a eucalyptus tree.The koala in 24 hours a day 。Sleep during the day for 18 hours, and activity time only 6 hours.

The koala's favorite food is eucalyptus leaves.Because the koala lovely clever and special ay of life, I deeply love it.

考拉的英语作文 (篇五)

From the ancient indigenous text, meaning "no drink"。 Koalas from their feeding because of the eucalyptus leaves to obtain the necessary 90 percent of the ater and they are only in the sick and drought hen the ater.

Living in Australia, is Australia's unique precious original arboreal animals, a mammal in a bag Branch Head koala. Distributed in the arid south-eastern Australia in the forest.

考拉的英语作文 (篇六)

In the past, I had no impression of koalas, only that they ere lazy. This Spring Festival, my mother promised to take me to meet koalas at Paradise farm in Australia. As soon as I heard it, I as interested, and immediately full of infinite longing for the paradise farm.

There are EMUs, kangaroos and other animals unique to Australia in paradise farm, but I didn't care about anything and ran all the ay to koala garden. The administrator told us that koala is a lazy looking animal. It sleeps 20 hours a day, and only four hours are aake. It lies lazily on the eucalyptus tree all day, occasionally eats a piece of eucalyptus leaf to fill its stomach, and rarely goes don the tree. Unless it eats eucalyptus leaves ith insufficient ater, it ill go don the tree to find ater to drink.

In my opinion, koala is a very cute animal. It is about 50 cm long, ith bron gray hair, a pair of button sized round eyes embedded in its exquisite round face. It looks around, and soon closes its eyes and falls asleep.

With the consent of the administrator, I decided to hold a koala. I put my hands across my stomach, and the administrator put the koala in my hands. Its small clas tightly grasp my shoulder, and its body gently rests on me, hich is still a little itchy. I hold it, as if holding a baby, as if holding an electric heating treasure, soft, very comfortable.

My mother took a close group photo of me and koalas as my memory of koalas.

Koala is really a lovely animal. I really like it.

考拉的英语作文 (篇七)

That day as my happiest day in Australia, because e ent to bris Paradise Valley Farm, an animal paradise.

We ent there to see koalas. From a distance, I sa several koalas in the tree, all asleep. Their naive appearance made people ant to touch it. The commentator said, "koalas sleep an average of 18 to 22 hours a day." I couldn't help exclaiming, "my God! It's only 24 hours a day in total, and they are many times lazier than the lazy pigs that people often say!" I feel sorry that I can't touch them. Fortunately, there is a place not far aay here e can take a group photo ith koalas. We ran over happily, but the people in line ere like a long dragon. It as not easy for us. I asked the person in front ho she felt. She only replied, "it's heavy anyay." This is obviously not the anser I ant. So I picked up the koala. You kno, I'm also afraid of small animals. If it bites me, or grabs me, or.。. I'm afraid to think about it! When I reached for the koala, it as very docile and fell on my chest. I'm brave. Its to clas hold me tightly. It seems that it's afraid that I'll fall it don. This clever fool!

"Click" shot it, and I reluctantly put it don. The little guy is still staring at me! I said softly, "goodbye, I'll come to see you again."

We should protect the small animals and make them our good friends.


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