
写事作文2023-12-04 17:51:27壹默


英语作文 (篇一)

Work and play are to important parts in peoples life but some times they are contradictory hether e can balance them has much to do ith our success.

Some people think that e should do more ork because everyone has a limited life and e should make as many contributions as e can to society.

Besides e can acquire more knoledge and gain more experience by hard ork hich ill help us a lot later in our life.

Others believe that e should spare enough time for play.

There is a saying that all ork and no play makes John a dull boy. Play makes people feel relaxed and free them from the stress of ork.

In this sense it is also beneficial to our health. So if e dont play e cant ork ell. In my opinion e should do more ork hen e are young be cause e are energetic and e can spend more time playing and enjoying our life hen e become aged.

Of course e should never overdo things and never indulge ourselves ith play.






英语作文 (篇二)

When it comes to the evaluation of a historical figure, e cannot resist the temptation to onder ho is the final judge to decide his contribution and greatness and thus attribute him ith lasting value. The speaker claims that it is the duty of those ho live after them to decide. I concede that in certain areas, especially in scientific field here the significance of one hypothesis or invention has to be tested and retested by later folloers to justify its correctness and accountability. In areas, such as art and business, it is possible to demonstrate one s greatness and collect recognition by his contemporaries.

In the field of art, e observe numerous examples convincing us that contemporaries do endo those great achievers ith respect and recognition. It is true that originality is alays hat innovative artists crave for and thus make it impossible for ordinary people or even veteran art critic to appreciate. The paintings of Van Gush ran contrary to the ide-accepted norm and thus relegated by critics as indecipherable and beildering. Even Shakespeare, the greatest riter e have in history as criticized by some literature critics as treacherous and a fancy exhibitor. But e need look no further than Mark Tain to justify ho possible it is for an individual to be accepted by his counterpoise. Tain s vivid description of life on Mississippi River on him immediate fame as the most popular riter in American history and the happy ending is that a yesterday sailor became today s successful and rich riter.

英语作文 (篇三)

Happiness eans different things t different peple. T se peple happiness is t be rich. The thin it is pssible t d a great nuber f things if the have enugh ne, such as travelling, buing hat the lie, having re educatin and s n. Hever, ther peple hld the vie that happiness is t have a gd health. Everthing is based n ur bd s it is necessar t have a balanced diet and eep health.

As fr e, I agree ith the latter pinin. Each cin has t sides. Althugh ne can ae ur life easier, e are suppsed t en the nderful rld b eeting truble.

英语作文 (篇四)

The bell rang and the class as over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students ent out of the classroom hile talking and laughing. To girls ere singing a song on their seats. Some boys ere telling a joke loudly. They ere laughing together. I as chatting ith some classmates hen Li Hong came to me. She joined us. Our class break as often full of fun and laughter. We often have a pleasant break.

英语作文 (篇五)

In June, a special season, I ill say goodbye to six years of primary school life, at this moment, I have mixed feelings.

The monitor, I apologize to you. Do you remember? One morning, you let my homeork, because of fun, there is no homeork, dont make you lost to all sense of shame, but he lied to the teacher said later, after the inventory, found that a person did not pay, they severely criticized you for a meal, you alk out from the office, on his face tears, sorry, monitor.

Have you alays give me the help desk, a math exam, I forgot to bring my ruler, you panic your ruler folded in half, I still cannot forget the clear sound, thank you; friends, dont forget hen e graduate shouted: e ant to have agreed in my heart, in our friendship extended to forever!

Goodbye, that e have say over the seat of the playground; goodbye, that e have visited countless commissary; goodbye, that e have done numerous broadcast gymnastics; goodbye, all in all the school, graduate, I ill give you a sound, full of gratitude: Thank you!

英语作文 (篇六)

In the daytime of the Festival, performances such as a dragon lantern dance, a lion dance, a land boat dance, a yangge dance, alking on stilts and beating drums hile dancing ill be staged. On the night, except for magnificent lanterns, fireorks form a beautiful scene. Most families spare some fireorks from the Spring Festival and let them off in the Lantern Festival. Some local governments ill even organize a fireorks party. On the night hen the first full moon enters the Ne Year, people become really intoxicated by the imposing fireorks and bright moon in the sky.




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