little a little few a few之间的区别,few a few a little和little的区别

考研资讯2023-11-05 23:04:3851data


little a little few a few之间的区别,few a few a little和little的区别

LITTLE/A LITTLE:◆LITTLE/A LITTLE is used with uncountable nouns.◆LITTLE/A LITTLE用来代替或修饰不可数名词。◆LITTLE is used for negative idea and it means “nearly nothing”.◆LITTLE表否定,意为“几乎没有”。★I had little money and little free time.★我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。★She said little or nothing about her experience.★她对自己的经历几乎只字不提。◆A LITTLE is used for positive idea and it means “some but not much”.◆A LITTLE表肯定,意为“少许、稍微”。★She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little water.★她什么都没吃,但喝了点水。★A little care probably could have prevented this traffic accident.当时稍微小心一点就可能防止这场车祸的发生。★A little food would do us all some good.★吃点东西,对我们大家都会有好处。★I got little sleep last night. I’m so sleepy.★我昨天晚上几乎没睡。我好困。★I got a little sleep last night. I’m ok.★我昨晚睡了一会儿。我还好。FEW/A FEW:◆FEW/A FEW is used with plural countable nouns◆FEW/A FEW用来代替或修饰可数名词。◆FEW has a negative feeling and it means “nearly none”.◆FEW表否定,意为“几乎没有、很少的”。★A lot of people have tried, but few have succeeded.★有很多人尝试过,但很少有人成功。★I’ve been busy, so I’ve read few books this year.★我一直很忙,所以今年还没看什么书。★Few of you share my opinion, so we have little in common to discuss.★你们很少有人同意我的观点,所以我们没有什么共同点可讨论。★She had few friends, and was generally not very happy.★她几乎没什么朋友,总的来说不怎么开心。◆A FEW has a positive feeling and it means “some but not many”.◆A FEW表肯定,意为“少数的、几个”。★I have a few questions that need your help.★我有几个问题需要你的帮助。★We had a few drinks afterwards.★后来我们喝了几杯。★We've had a few replies.★我们已得到了一些答复。



