
自查报告2023-11-06 14:00:34jack


  9. put on 穿上

  10. a little bit 有点儿

  11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

  12. give up 放弃

  13. instead of 代替;反而

  14. turn ...into 变成

  15. get married 结婚

  16. the main character 主要人物;主人公

  17. at other times 在另外一些时候

  18. be able to 能;会

  19. come out 出版

  20. become interested in...... 对……感兴趣

  21. alk to the other side 走到另一边去

  22. a fairy tale 一个神话故事

  23. the rest of the story 故事的其余部分

  24. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

  25. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事

  26. go to sleep 去睡觉

  27. lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地

  28. get lost 迷路

  29. change one’s plan 改变计划

  30. tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

  31. in the moonlight 在月光下

  32. find one’ s ay home 找到某人回家的路

  33. the next day 第二天

  34. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地

  35. So...that... 如此.......以致于.......

  Unit 7 W hat’s the highest mountain in the orld?

  1. as big as 与……一样大

  2. one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一

  3. feel free to do sth. 随意地做某事

  4. as far as I kno 据我所知

  5. man-made objects 人造物体

  6. part o f... ...... 的组成部分

  7. the highest mountain 最高的山脉

  8. in the orld 在世界上

  9. any other mountain 其他任何一座山

  10. of a ll the salt lakes 在所有的咸水湖中

  11. run along 跨越… …

  12. freezing eather 冰冻的天气

  13. take in air 呼吸空气

  14. the first people to do sth. 第一个做某事的人

  15. in the face of difficulties 面临危险

  16. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事

  17. achieve one’ s dream 实现某人的梦想

  18. the forces of nature 自然界的力量

  19. reach the top 到达顶峰

  20. even though 虽然;尽管

  21. at birth 在出生的时候

  22. be aake 醒着

  23. run over ith excitement 兴奋地跑过去

  24. alk into sb. 撞到某人

  25. fall over 摔倒

  26. take care of 照顾;照料

  27. every to years 每两年

  28. cut don the forests 砍伐林木

  29. endangered animals 濒危动物

  30. feer and feer pandas 大熊猫越来越少

  31. be in danger 处于危险之中

  32. the importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重要性

  Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

  1.on page 25 在第25页

  2. the back of the book 书的背面

  3. hurry up 赶快;匆忙

  . in to eeks 在两周之内

  5. go out to sea 出海

  6. an island full of treasures 一个满是宝藏的岛屿

  7. rite about 写作关于……的内容

  8. finish doing sth. 做完某事

  9. ait for another ship 等待另一艘船到来

  10. learn to do sth. 学会做某事

  11. gro fruits and vegetables 种水果和蔬菜

  12. a fe eeks ago 几个星期前

  13. the marks of another man’ s feet 另一个人的脚印

  14. not long after that 不久之后

  15. run toards sp. 跑向某地

  16. use... to do sth. 用……来做某事

  17. signs left behind by someone 某人留下的标记

  18. read the nespaper 看报

  19. science fiction 科幻小说

  20. can’ t ait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事

  21. a good ay to ake up 醒来的一个好办法

  22. number of people 人数

  23. used to do sth. 常常做某事

  24. study abroad 在国外学习

  25. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

  26. come to realize 开始意识到

  27. ever since then 自从那时起

  28. the southern states of America 美国的南部地区

  29. belong to 属于

  30. be kind to each other 善待彼此

  31. trust one another 互相信任

  32. the beauty of nature 大自然的美

  33. have been to sp. 去过某地

  34. do some research on sth. 对……做研究

  35. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

  36. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事

  37. the firs t line in the song歌曲的第一行

  38. enjoy success in享受……的成功

  39. at the end of the day傍晚的时候

  Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?

  1. at night 在晚上

  2.in a more natural environment 在一个更加自然的环境中

  3. all year round 一年到头,终年

  4.be far from 离....远

  5.in the dark 在黑暗中

  6. in the past 在过去

  7.have been to sp 去过某地

  8.science museum科学博物馆

  9.history museum 历史博物馆

  10.amusement park 游乐园

  11.go somehere different 去不同的地方

  12.go skating 去滑冰

  13.take the subay 坐地铁

  14.a great ay to spend a Saturday afternoon 一个过周六下午的好办法

  15.all the old movie camera 所有的古老的电影摄影机

  16. learn about sth 了解有关.....的情况

  17. on the eekend 在周末

  18.camp in the mountains 在大山里露营

  19.put up a tent 搭帐篷

  20.in such a rapid ay 以如此速猛的方式

  21.different kinas of 各种各样的

  22.development of toilets 厕所的发展

  23.social groups 社会团体

  24.the tea art performances 茶艺表演

  25. make a perfect cup of tea ith beautiful tea sets.用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶

  26. a nice place to enjoy tea 一个品茶的好地方

  27.Thousands of 数以千计的

  28.international Museum of Toilets 国际厕所博物馆

  29.the Terracotta Army 兵马俑

  30.southeast Asia 东南亚

  31.night Safari 夜间动物园

  32.three quarters 四分之三

  33. an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家

  34.have a problem doing sth 做某事很困难

  35.during the daytime 在白天

  36. a couple of times 好几次

  37.right no 现在,目前

  38. an amusement park ith a special theme 一个有特别的主题的游乐园

  39. Walk around the park 在公园里到处走

  40. hear of 听说

  41. take a ride 兜风

  42.another province 另一个省

  43.the Bird’s Nest 鸟巢

  44.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

  45.on the one hand....on the other hand 一方面,另一方面

  Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.

  1. these days 目前,现在

  2.regard ith great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着

  3. in order to 为了

  4.so far 迄今,到目前为止

  5. in need 需要

  6. not ...any more 不再.....

  7. elcome to sp 欢迎来到.....

  8.check out 察看,观察

  9. board games 棋类游戏

  10. one last thing 最后一样东西

  11. junior high school 初级中学

  12.clear out 清理

  13. no longer 不再

  14.toy monkey 玩具猴

  15. part ith 与.....分开

  16. to be honest 说实在的

  17. ride a bike 骑自行车

  18. have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会

  19. one’s old things 某人的旧东西

  20. bring back seet memories 勾起甜美的回忆

  21. give aay 捐赠

  22. play for a hile 玩一会

  23. do ith 处理,处置

  24. search for ork 找工作

  25.for the last 13 years 在过去的13年里

  26. the mid-20th century 20世纪中期

  27. stay the same 保持原状

  28. according to 依照,按照

  29. in one’s opinion 依......看

  30. in my time 在我那个年代


  1. have free tie有空闲时间

  2. all sb. t d sth. 允许某人做某事

  3. hang ut ith sb. 与某人闲逛

  4. after-schl classes课外活动课

  5. get int a fight ith sb. 与某人吵架/打架

  6. until idnight直到半夜

  7. tal t sb. 与某人交谈

  8. t an太多

  9. stud t uch学得过多

  10. get enugh sleep有足够的睡眠

  11. rite sb. a letter给某人写信

  12. call sb. up打电话给某人

  13. surprise sb. 令某人惊讶

  14. l thrugh翻看

  15. be angr ith sb. 生某人的气

  16. a big deal重要的事

  17. r ut成功地发展;解决

  18. get n ith不 11睦相处;关系良:

  19. fight a lt经常吵架/打架

  20. hang ver笼罩

  21. refuse t d sth. 拒绝做某事

  22. ffer t d sth. 主动提出做某事

  23. s that以便

  24. ind sb. ding sth. 介意某人做某事

  25. all the tie一直

  26. in future今后

  27. ae sb. angr使某人生气

  28. rr abut sth. 担心某事

  29. cp ne’ s her抄袭某人的作业

  30. be neself做自己

  31. fail ebers

  32. spend tie alne独自消磨时光

  33. give sb. pressure给某人施压

  34. have a fight ith sb. 与某人吵架

  35. cpete ith sb. 与某人竞争

  36. free tie activities业余活动

  37. get better grades取得更好的成绩

  38. give ne’ s pinin提出某人的观点

  39. learn exa sills学习应试技巧

  40. practice sprts体育训练

  41. cause stress造成压力

  42. cut ut删除


  1. sit don 坐下

  2. stay at home 待在家里

  3. bad luck 坏运气

  4. atch TV 看电视

  5. lose matches 输掉比赛

  6. next time 下一次

  7. be good at 擅长

  8. play against 对抗

  9. arm up 热身;做准备活动

  10. be late for 迟到

  11. cheer on 用欢呼声激励;为……加油

  12. keep fit 保持健康

  13. get lost 迷路

  14. a minute ago 一分钟之前

  15. plenty of 许多

  16. be ready for 为……做好准备

  17. at eekends 在周末

  18. in the countryside 在乡村


  Module 4 Planes, ships and trains

  1. by bike 骑自行车

  2. far from 远离

  3. road accident 公路上的交通事故

  4. as ell 也,和,还

  5. get croded 变得拥挤

  6. have a great trip 旅途愉快

  7. take a plane 乘飞机

  Module 5 Lao She Teahouse

  1. in the end 最后,终于

  2. be famous for 因……而出名

  3. ould like 想要

  4. the beginning of ……的开头

  5. send sb. to sp. 把某人送到某地

  6. be named 被命名为......

  7. give a arm elcome to 热情欢迎......

  8. take place 发生

  Module 6 Animals in danger

  1. in danger 处于危险中

  2. be interested in 对……感兴趣

  3. think of 想起

  4. take aay 拿走;带走

  5. look after 照顾;照料

  6. find out 找出;发现;查明

  7. many kinds of 许多种......

  8. set up 建立;创立


  1. outgoing

  2. as…as…

  3. the singing competition

  4.be similar to

  5.the same as

  6.be different from

  7.care about

  8.be like a mirror

  9.the most important

  10.as long as

  11.bring out

  12.get better grades

  13.reach for

  14.in fact

  15.make friends

  16. one…the other …

  17.touch one’s heart

  18.be talented in music

  19.be good at

  20.be good ith

  21.have fun doing sth.

  22.be good at doing sth

  23.make sb. do sth.

  24.ant to do sth.


  26.It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth.

  27.not as/so…as


  1. quite a lot 相当多

  2. as ell 也

  3. take photos 照相;拍照

  4. all year round 整年

  5. compared to 与……相比较

  6. from time to time 有时;间或

  7. make sure 务必

  8. have to 必须;不得不

  9. during the day 在白天

  10. go to the mountains 去爬山

  11. more than 多于,超过

  12. pay for 付款

  Module 11 Way of life

  1. a chess set 一副国际象棋

  2. video game 电子游戏

  3. do some cleaning 打扫卫生

  4. bad luck 倒霉

  5. the Spring Festival 春节

  6. get married 结婚

  7. for example 例如

  8. for the first time 首次;初次

  9. shake hands 握手

  10. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶

  11. light meal 便餐;便饭

  12. be different from 与……不同

  13. each other 互相

  14. on time 准时;按时

  15. look up 查寻

  16. at the age of 在……岁时

  17. clean up 打扫干净

  18. ash up 洗刷;饭后洗餐具

  19. stay out 待在户外;不回家

  20. can't ait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

  21. make mistakes 犯错;出错

  Module 12 Help

  1. broken glass 碎玻璃

  2. first aid 急救

  3. medical help 医疗救助

  4. at the bottom of 在……底部

  5. in pain 处在疼痛中

  6. first of all 首先

  7. find out 查明

  8. lift up 抬起;提起

  9. make sure 确保;确认

  10. cover……ith…… 用……盖上……

  11. stay aay from 远离

  12. in an earthquake 在地震中

  13. in short 总之

  14. jump out of 从……跳出

  15. above all 首要的是

  16. lie don 躺下

  17. in trouble 在困境中,有麻烦

  18. because of 由于

  19. on ones ay 在路上

  20. run out of 从……跑出来


  1. fall don 跌倒

  2. in a tree 在树上

  3. tea party 茶会

  4. look at 看……

  5. once or tice 偶尔

  6. nothing strang 没有什么奇怪的事

  7. think about 考虑

  8. go off 熄灭;停〔电〕

  9. on one's ay to… 在某人去……的路上

  l0. be ith sb. 和某人在一起

  11. take the place of 代替:接替

  12. so... that… 如此……以至于……

  13. not as... as… 不如……

  Module 8 Accidents

  1. in time 及时

  2. fall off 从……摔下

  3. pay attention 留意,注意

  4. side by side 肩并肩

  5. all the time 总是,时时刻刻

  6. climb out 爬出来

  7. pick up 捡起

  8. get orse 变得更糟

  9. in great pain 处于巨大的痛苦中

  10. call people 给人们打电话

  11. play music 播放音乐

  12. take photos 照相

  13. look at 看

  14. start ith 以……开始

  15. make sure 确定

  16. next to 在……旁;挨着

  17. get hurt 受伤

  18. take off 起飞

  19. make a quick decision 做出快速的决定

  Module 9 Population

  1. talk about 谈论

  2. such as 例如

  3. population increase 人口增长

  4. make notes 记笔记

  5. the population of China 中国的人口

  6. one fifth 五分之一

  7. I can't believe it! 我简直无法相信!

  8. 7 billion 七十亿

  9. hang on 稍等

  10. more than 超过

  11. close to 靠近

  12. not...any more 不再

  13. local school 当地的学校

  14. close don 关闭,关停

  15. in fact 事实上

  16. all over the orld 全世界

  17. too much rubbish 太多的垃圾

  18. for example 例如


  1.on vacation

  2.stay at home

  3.go to the mountains

  4. go to the beach

  5. visit museums

  6. go to summer camp

  7.quite a fe

  8.study for …

  9.go out

  10.most of the time

  11. taste good

  12.have a good time

  13. of course

  14.feel like

  15.go shopping

  16.in the past

  17. alk around

  18. because of

  19. one bol of…

  20. the next day

  21. drink tea

  22. find out

  23. go on

  24.take photos

  25. something important

  26. up and don

  27. come up

  28. buy sth. for sb. / buy sb.sth.

  29. taste delicious

  30. look sad.


  32.seem+(to be)+ adj.

  33.arrive in+大地点/arrive at+小地点

  34.decide to do sth.

  35. try doing sth.

  36. try to do sth.

  37. forget doing sth.

  38. forget to do sth.

  39. enjoy doing sth.

  40. ant to do sth.

  41. start doing sth.

  42. stop doing sth.

  43. dislike doing sth.

  44. keep doing sth.

  45. Why not do. sth.?

  46. so+adj.+that+从句

  47. tell sb. to


  Unit 6

  1. talk about 谈论

  2. in some ays 在某些方面

  3. more than 超过,多于

  4. in common 共有,公共

  5. be good at =do ell in 擅长于

  6. as…as… (不)如……一样……

  7. in school 在校求学;在学校

  8. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

  9. look the same 看起来一样

  10. talk to/ith 和……谈话

  11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  12. stop to do sth 接着做某事

  13. begin / start ith 以……开始

  14. end ith 以……结束

  15. in the middle of 在……中间

  16. a simming poor 游泳池

  17. on the other hand =on the opposite 另一方面

  18. be good ith=get on ell ith 和……相处得好

  19. use… to do… 用……来做……

  20. around China=all over China 全中国

  21. after that 自那以后

  Unit 7

  1. milk smoothie 奶昔

  2. turn on 打开 turn off 关

  turn up 调大,调亮 turn don 调小,调暗

  3. pour…into… 把……倒人

  4. put…into/in... 把……放入……内

  5. 2 teaspoons of relish 两茶匙调味品

  6. cut up 切碎

  7. add…to… 把……加入……中

  8. mix up 混合在一起

  9. make a banana smoothie 做香蕉奶昔


  Unit 3

  1. spend time ith friends和朋友们一起度过时光

  2. a sports camp 运动野营

  3. ho about= hat about ……怎么样

  4. go camping 去野营, go shopping 去买东西,

  go simming 去游泳, go boating去划船,

  go skating 去溜冰, go alking去散步,

  go climbing 去登山, go dancing去跳舞,

  go hiking 去徒步远足, go sightseeing 去观光,

  go bike riding 骑自行车旅行, go fishing 去钓鱼

  5. do some shopping 买东西, do some ashing 洗衣服,

  do some cooking 作饭, do some reading读书,

  do some speaking训练口语

  6. ho long 1)多长时间

  2)多长 (询问事物的长度)

  7. sho sb. sth. = sho sth. to sb.出示某物给某人看

  give me the book=give the book to me 给我书,

  pass me the cup=pass the cup to me 把杯子递给我,

  sell me the house=sell the house to me把房子卖给我

  buy me a book =buy a book for me 给我买书,

  make me a cake=make a cake for me给我做蛋糕

  8. get back=come back回来

  9. take alks=go for alks散步

  10. think about 考虑

  11. decide on= decide upon 决定计划

  12. something different 不同的事情

  13. a great/exciting vacation 愉快的假期

  14. can’t ait to do sth. 等不及做某事

  15. a famous movie star 著名的影星

  16. ask sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事

  17. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事

  forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

  Unit 4

  1. get to school = arrive at/ reach school 到校

  2. a bus stop公共汽车站,

  a train/ subay station火车站,

  a bus station客运站, a TV station 电视台

  3. take the subay 乘地铁

  4. ride a bike 骑自行车

  5. take the/a bus乘公共汽车

  6. ant to do sth.想做某事

  7. take a taxi乘坐出租车

  8. alk to school 步行上学

  9. go in one’s car 坐车

  10. in North America 在北美

  11. by bike/ bus/ subay/ car/ train乘坐……车

  12. in other parts of the orld在世界的其他地区

  13. have a quick breakfast迅速吃早饭

  14. depend on=depend upon 依靠,靠……决定

  15. the early bus 早班车

  16. leave for 起程(动身)前往……

  17. take sb. to sp.带某人到某处

  18. a number of=many 许多

  19. the number of ….的数量

  20. Doing sth. takes sb. some time/ money.

  =It takes sb. some time/money to do sth..

  =sb. spends some time/money .

  =sb. spends some time/money doing sth..

  . =sth. costs sb. some time/money.

  =sb. pay some money for sth..


  21. orry about=be orried about 为某人着急/担心

  22. around the orld= all over the orld 世界各地,全世界

  23. be different from 与……不同

  24. ho far 多远

  Unit 5

  1. come to one’s party 参加某人的聚会

  2. on Saturday afternoon 在星期六的下午

  3. study for a test为测验而学习

  4. go to the doctor=see a doctor 去看医生

  5. have/take a piano/guitar lesson 上一堂钢琴课

  6. much too 太,过于

  7. too much 太多

  8. a birthday party 生日聚

  9. soccer practice 足球训练

  10. look for 寻找

  11. find out 找到,弄清楚,查明

  12. be on vacation 度假

  13. join sb.加入某人

  14. a football match足球比赛

  15. keep quiet 保持安静+doing 使不停地做某事”

  keep sth. 保存某物,饲养某物

  16. a culture club 文化俱乐部

  17. “给某人打电话”的几种说法:

  call sb., phone sb.,

  phone to sb., telephone sb.,

  telephone to sb., ring sb.,

  give sb. a ring, give sb. a phone,

  make a telephone to sb.

  18. have to 不得不,必须

  19. the day after tomorro 后天

  20. a science report 科学报告


  Unit 8

  1. go to the aquarium 去水族馆

  2. take photos 照相,拍照

  3. hang out ith sb. 和某人闲逛

  4. in a prize 获奖(金)

  5. take the bus back to school 乘公共汽车回学校

  6. ice cream 冰激淋

  7. at the end of 在……的尽头

  8. go for a drive 开车兜风

  9. thanks for doing sth. 感谢某人做了某事

  10. day off 休假

  11. have fun doing sth. 很高兴做某事

  12. have a yard sale 进行庭院旧货出售

  13. school trip 学校组织的旅行

  14. in the future 将来,未来

  Unit 9

  1. learn to do sth. 学会做某事

  2. start doing sth. 开始做某事

  3. have a party 举行一次聚会

  4. be born 出生

  5. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

  6. for example 例如……

  7. too…to… 太……而不能……

  8. a professional soccer player 一个专业的足球运动员

  9. a movie star 一位影星

  10. free time 空闲时间,业余时间

  11. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事

  12. begin doing sth. 开始做某事

  13. a skating champion 一位溜冰冠军

  14.the first prize 第一名

  15. the 70-year history 七十年的历史

  16. the International Piano Competition 国际钢琴比赛

  17. at the age of 在……(多大年龄)的时候

  18. major in sth. 主修某科目

  19. take part in 参加

  20. because of 因为

  21. the number one omen’s singles player 女子单打头号种子选手


