
自查报告2023-11-05 16:41:36jack




   1. A. cat B. hungry C. dog

   2.A. milk B. ater C. bread

   3.A. dra B. tiger C. eat

   4.A. ruler B. hot C. cold

   5.A. pen B. bus C. bike


  1.I have a lesson this evening.

  2. Mary lunch at school every day.

  3. It’s too .Open the door,please.

  4. This is Miss Li .

  5. Look! My gloves so big.

  6. Can you _____________ to school tomorro?

  7. We can see three trees in the picture.

  8. ----My shorts are too short. ----Try .

  9. It’s my birthday today.

  10. Ho many _____________ do you have this morning?


   1. It’s time school. Let’s go.

  A. for B. to C. at

  2. We have four lessons the morning.

  A. at B. in C. on

  3. ------ do you have breakfast?

  ------ seven.

  A. What time, It’s B. When, It’s C. When, At

  4. ------ Can you dra the boat?


  A. Yes, I can’t. B. Sure. C. Yes, I can dra them.

  5. ------ seater is it?

  ------ It’s Helen’s.

  A. Who’s B. Who C. Whose

  6. ------What do you like?

  ------ bananas.

  A. I’d like B. I ant C. I like

  7. I’m four years old. These trousers are for me.

  A. so long B. too long C. a big

  8. ------ Whose caps are these?


  A. They’re Mike’s. B. They’re Mike. C. They’re desks.

  9. Tim is not at school. he ill?

  A. What’s B. Is C. Are

  10. ------ you thirsty?

  ------ Yes. I ant some , please.

  A. Are, hot dog B. Is, ater C. Are, juice


  1) Ⅰ Ⅱ

   1. What’s the matter? A. I can see a bird.

   2. What can you see over there? B. I like English and Music.

   3. What subjects do you like? C. I’m cold.

  2) Ⅰ Ⅱ

   4. Come and have a cake. D. It’s my cousin’s.

   5. When do you have lunch? E. Thanks. But I’m not hungry. 6. Whose dress is this? F. At eleven.


  It’s Friday morning. The students are having an English lesson. Yang Ling is absent. Miss Li is calling her.

  Miss Li: Hello, Yang Ling. This is Miss Li. Why are you absent?

  Yang Ling: I’m ill.

  Miss Li: What’s the matter?

  Yang Ling: I’ve got a bad cold.

  Miss Li: I’m sorry to hear that. Have a good rest.

  Yang Ling: OK. Thank you, Miss Li.

  Miss Li: Boys and girls, Yang Ling is ill. Let’s go and see her after school.

  The students: All right. We can get some fruit and some floers for her.

  Miss Li: Good idea.

   47.Today is Monday.

   48. The students are having an Art lesson.

   49. Yang Ling has got a bad cold.

   50. The students ill see Yang Ling on Saturday.

   51.The students ill get some fruit and floers for Yang Ling.


  A. Can you dra a tiger for me?

  B. Well done.

  C. What subjects do you like?

  D. Me too. I like Art too. It’s fun.

  E. I like Science. Ho about you?

  F. Sure.It’s easy.




  We have to Englisn on Tuesday.


  What’s the ith you?


  Here’s some for you .


  It’s difficult. But I can .

  八、看图, 根据首字母及上下文完成对话,并将答案写在相应的横线上,每空一词。 六年级上册语文期末试卷及答案 四年级语文上册期末试卷


