
自查报告2023-11-03 16:58:41jack



  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇1

  Why We Go Abroad

  A fair number of young people in my country go to spend time living abroad for different purposes.In most cases they go for study in their special subject,or to leam and get

  more practice in the language of that country.Others go to ork there,either as part of their training or because they can get better pay.

  A lot of people are satisfied ith just learning or orking;they go to classes or earn money and thats enough.They get to kno very little about the country itself;its interesting places,its scenery and its history,hat sort of ideas the people have and ho they live.

  If I ent abroad,ld travel around the country as much as I could and try to get to kno as many people as possible,and ld hope to make some real friends.

  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇2

  Mobile telephones are becoming more and more popular.Even the students on campus begin to use mobile telephone.M obile telephone,on the one hand,is good to the students.For one thing ,it enables them to keep in touch ith their friends and family more conveniently and quickly.For another,it can make the students fashionable and proud.

  On the other hand,mobile telephone has a negative effect on the students.First,it ill cost them more money than before.Second.it ill distract them from their study.Third,it ill sometimes become a nuisance especially hen it rings in class or in the library.

  In my opinion.it is not good for the students on campus to use mobile telephone.Since the students main purpose on campus is to study,they should pay much attention to their study.If they ant to use mobile telephone,they can use it after graduation.

  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇3

  A Brief Introduction to the University

  Distinguished guests,

  Welcome to our university.Before you start to look around,allo me to give you a brief account of the school.

  Founded in 1927,our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberal arts.It is staffed ith an excellent faculty,and has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students.In the past years,it has turned out numerous ell-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all alks of life.

  Since its establishment,the university has alays steered itself toard the objective that its students have an overall healthy development.Not only does it provide the students ith basic academic courses,but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knoledge.Besides,students are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice,hich are intended for broadening their mind and developing their potential talent.

  Currently,both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our education in the direction of a first-rate university.Thank you.

  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇4

  The past fe years have itnessed a mounting number of college students playing truant.Taking a look around,one can find examples too many to enumerate.Sometimes,even less than half of the students in a class attend the lecture..

  A number of factors may be responsible for this phenomenon.Personally,I can come up ith the folloing ones.In the first place,there exist faults ith the arrangement of curriculum.In other ords,some courses are irrelevant,or far beyond or belo students.In the second place,some teachers are responsible for the phenomenon.Their teaching is far from attractive or efficient.Lastly,there exist reasons on the part of students,many of hom have become restless under the influence of some social trends.

  This phenomenon is definitely unhealthy and requires remedying.Naturally,measures should be taken in the three aspects mentioned above.For one thing,it is imperative that the school perfect its arrangement of courses.For another,teachers should be constantly urged to improve their ork.Last but not least,students should be arned against some vicious trends in society and concentrate on their study.Only ith these measures taken can e expect a solution of the problem.

  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇5

  Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that fake commodities have been a grave problem ith hich e are confronted.Fake and shoddy goods flood the market.Taking a look around,e can find examples too numerous to list: pirated editions of books and films,food and drinks of poor quality and the like.

  Fake and shoddy goods are bound to generate severe consequences if e keep turning a blind eye to them.First and foremost,they directly infringe upon consumers' rights,asting their money and threatening their health and even lives.Besides,the production and sale of fake goods cause serious losses on the part of honest and laful producers.Last but not least,the destruction of fake commodities means a grievous aste of the nation's resources.

  In vie of the seriousness of this problem,effective measures must be taken before things get orse.First,it is essential that las and regulations be orked out and enforced to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods.Secondly,the public should enhance their aareness of identifying and refusing sub-standard commodities.

  With proper las and an alert public,it ill only be a matter of time for fake and shoddy goods tobecome things of the past. With these measures taken,it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem ill be solved in the near future.

  英语四级新题型作文预测 篇6

  Noadays,if e ant to go to college,e ill have to pay a big sum of money.Its a problem to many students.Many ays can contribute to solve this serious problem.But the folloing ones may be the most effective.First,you can ask your parents for help if they have nice careers.Another ay to solve this problem is to apply for a bank loan.Finally,e can find a part time job to get enough money.As to me,Im in favor of the second idea.My reasons of choice can be listed as follos.First of all,my parents are not rich enough to afford me.Secondly,youll not have enough time and energy to study after finishing the part time job.Finally,Im sure that Ill get a nice job after graduation.Then Ill be able to pay back the loan.Through the analysis above,I believe that bank loan is my best choice.

  Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that college tuition and fees are a grave problem ith hich many families and students are confronted in China.Taking a look around,e can find many excellent students are denied the chance to go to college due to lack of money.

  In vie of the seriousness of the situation,effective measures must be taken before things get orse.Actually,the problem can be dealt ith in many ays.First,you can ask your parents for help if they have nice careers.Another ay to solve this problem is to apply for a bank loan.Finally,e can find a part time job to get enough money.As to me,Im in favor of the second idea.My reasons of choice can be listed as follos.First of all,my parents are not rich enough to afford me.Secondly,youll not have enough time and energy to study after finishing the part time job.Finally,Im sure that Ill get a nice job after graduation.Then Ill be able to pay back the loan.Through the analysis above,I believe that bank loan is my best choice.


