
自查报告2023-11-03 04:04:42jack



  高中英语作文 1

  When talking about the hero, people ill think about the person ho saves the orld, such as superman and batman, they care about the public’s lives and interest all the time.In the real life, people believe that a hero at least can make great influence to the society, like the scientist.But in my opinion, some true heroes are easy ignored, they are doing the ordinary jobs hile making great contribution to the society.The city cleaners are the classic ones, they beautify the city and bring comfort to the public.Though they are nobody, they are doing the great job.

  They are heroes and should be praised.



  高中英语作文 2

  My 18 birthday as coming soon, it as such an important day for me, because it meant that I as an adult.My father had promised he ould give me a big present on this big day.I as so excited and he took my mother and me to Thailand.

  The trip to abroad as the first time for my family, after packing, e took the flight.When e arrived in Thailand, I couldn’t help hanging around.The scenery as beautiful, I could see the statue of buddha everyhere.Ridding the elephant as one of the famous travel projects.I rode the elephant and sa the scenery around the park, it as such fun.I as on top and felt great.My father has kept his promise and gave me the amazing present, I as so thankful to him.



  高中英语作文 3

  High school time is really the very unforgettable stage for me.During three years’ study, I fought for my future ith my classmates, e made the progress together.They ere my sisters and brothers.Though I ould graduate soon, I ould never forget them.

  My classmates and I took a lot of pictures, e decided to leave the precious moments.So e rent some dresses ith the old style, hich as very classic in the movie.We put on the dress and ent to every corner of the campus, the funny thing as that e took pictures by imitating the movie posts.When other students sa our pictures, they thought it as such fun to do it, so they ould join us and made the graduation pictures more vivid.It as such precious for me to keep these pictures, I ill never forget my dear classmates.



  高中英语作文 4

  Many years ago, cellphone as not alloed to used for high school students.Teachers ould take aay students’ cellphone once they sa it.But no the phone has been part of people’s life and almost every student uses it.

  It is just the popular communication tool.For many high school students, they are easy to be addicted to keeping chatting ith their friends and not pay attention to the class.For me, I have controlled myself not to play it in the class, so I ill turn off the phone and not to think about it.Some parents believe that using cellphone is not good for students, the fact is that students can learn a lot from the cellphone, they can search the Internet for more in formation, so as to get better solutions.



  高中英语作文 5

  Under the orld’s atching, Rio Olympic Games finally came to Its opening ceremony.Before, a lot of problems had been exposed and many people ondered if Rio could finish the task and present the orld a onderful opening ceremony.The anser as definitely positive.

  Though the budget as very limited, the government shoed the orld a green Olympic Games.It is the trees that make our home safe and healthy, hile today a lot of people have forgot it and they pollute and destroy the environment.Ho can e survive in the future.The opening ceremony gave the anser that as to plant trees and protect our environment.Rio Olympic Games shoed a great theme and it is creative.The government do not let people don, instead they surprise the orld and remind people of the importance of green.



  高中英语作文 6

  Since e go to school, the teachers educate us to be a better person, they tell us that e must study hard, so that e can be the useful person.Many students confuse about hat is the useful person.In my opinion, the useful person must have the good merit.

  A person ith the kind heart is favored by everyone and he has the sense to serve others.The bad person ill bring danger to others, even to the society.The most important thing of the useful person is to make a contribution to the society.

  They ill make full use of their knoledge and be proud of serving for the society.Our premier Zhou stated his purpose of learning knoledge as to make our country rise.He did it and he became the great person.Becoming the useful person is not easy, e should fight for it.




  高中英语作文 7

  There is the famous saying of live and learn, hich inspires so many people to keep moving on hen they ant to give up.

  Age is alays the reason for people to give up, but some people insist on doing hat they ant and enjoy the success.An old oman took part in a famous sho.When she started to dance, the judges felt a little bored at the beginning, so he gave a "no" for shoing his opinion.The old oman continued to dance, then the audience as shocked by the old ladys onderful action.She as like a cheerleader, jumping and turning over her body.The judge apologized and gave her the great applause.

  The old lady just picked up her dance after her husband died.She found the pleasure and all her families supported her.




  高中英语作文 8

  In recent years, the forests have been getting smaller and smaller for more and more people cut don trees for money.

  As trees gro naturally, people dont need to invest anything on them.But cutting don trees has destroyed our nature.We have already seen the bad consequence.For example, e alays suffer from the flood and drought disaster; many animals are facing the danger of dying out, because their habitats have been destroyed; deserts are expanding, and sandstorms are emerging.Our environment has been changed from bad to orse due to the reduction of forests.

  Thus, the government should appeal people that cutting don trees breaks the balance of our nature.Those ho continue to cut don trees should be punished severely.




  高中英语作文 9

  People alays advocate that men and omen should be equal.

  Though the female has fought for the equal rights for a very long time, some young girls are not strong enough to get their rights.For them, as they are young, it is the best time to enrich themselves ith all kinds of knoledge and be equipped ith many practical skills.The most important thing is to be independent.The old generation believes that girls should rely on men and let their husbands make decisions, hile for the young generation, if they ant more rights, hich means they must have their poer.So girls need to stand on their on feet, no matter they are single or married.

  When they become independent, they can make their on choice and live the life they ant.




  高中英语作文 10

  Since I go to high school, I live in the school and stay aay from myparents.I have three roommates, at the beginning, e have trouble in staying inthe same room, but no e have got used to it.

  One of my roommates impresses meso much, since she comes to our room, she keeps the habit of reading the novelhen e go to bed.She told me that hen she lived ith her parents, she darednot to read it because her mother ould blame her for sleeping late.No she isvery happy that she is out of control, it seems that she is free.But I feelsorry for her, because she is short-sighted no, hat’s more, she is laggingbehind other students in the study.

  Staying aay from her parents, she is notstrong enough to behave herself.We should have the strong ill and behaveourselves.




  高中英语作文 11

  Everyone needs friends in their lives, no one can live alone, they needfriends to share their sorro and happiness, so that they can keep the goodmood.But even the marriage needs to run in the long term, for friendship,people ill confront all kinds of problems, the one ho can deal ith theproblems ell ill maintain the friendship.When you have argument ith yourfriends, both of you do not ant to give in,at this time, you need to calm donand be general, you can release the intense atmosphere.In a fe days, hen bothof you have calmed don, the argument is nothing but a small interlude.

  Sometimes your friend ill ork in another place, if you to are lazy to contactith each other, friendship is easy to lose as the time ent by.Maintainingfriendship is not easy.



  高中英语作文 12

  Every Chinese knos the importance of the college entrance examination, so the high school students alays can feel the stress from that exam, especially hen that day is nearby.Some students ill not do as ell as usual because of heavy stress.It is necessary to adjust their mood ell before the exam.

  They should not give too much pressure to themselves, instead of having usual heart.Then they can do in orking order.To reach this goal, they can spare time to do some sports or just go running and keep telling themselves that the exam can’t decide their future, so they try their best ould be OK and no one ill blame them.The purpose is make them feel relax, as the status of relax is the best state for achieving good marks in the exam.It is helpful.



  高中英语作文 13

  Peoples ealth and life are closely connected.Ones amount of ealth includes isdom, knoledge, money, and properties.I believe that the amount of our ealth directly affects an over all quality of our life.

  Without having a significant amount of knoledge and isdom, parents and teachers cannot nurture their childen and students ell.Lacking enough of education or knoledge, our abilities of educating others may be poorly evaluated.Without having a large amount of income or savings, e may have a hard time surviving.If e didnt have money for food and clothes, e could not have any poer giving love to others.Last but not least, it is very important to understand the significant relationship beteen our ealth and life.

  The quality and the total amount of our ealth really determine the abilities and poer in our life!




  高中英语作文 14

  No matter ho strong friendship is beteen friends, conflicts happen someho.After many conflicts, the communication beteen people can be improved, if they handle the problem ell.

  When argument happens, the first reaction for people is to quit talking, but after a hile, they regret and ant to talk to their friends again.Then here comes the problem.Ho to apologize hen you figure out that it is your fault.The proper ay to apologize can fix the relationship.Actually, the best ay to apologize is to talk to your friend face to face.This is the most sincerest ay that everyone ill be impressive.Texting message or talking on the phone is less effective.

  Sometimes buying a gift is a good ay to sho your regret.Your dont need to buy the big one, a small one is enough.Never feel shameful to apologize, if you cherish your relationship.




  高中英语作文 15

  The end of the sea is that my hometon can only be separated from the sea, but I cant see the ind blos.It is the hometon of the hometon.Xu Feng bloing it.It is the end of the contrecounted sea that I sent to my hometon is a beautiful fishethy sea breeze.The beach shells that are lighter in the coco shado are flush.

  Sparkling in the aves.Several boats in the sea, the end of the moving sea is the tendo park, the sun running, the castle, the castle, the castle, the castle, the fire burnedThe est of the estern children stepping on Xia Guang to the beach on the beach, the end of the long to-line small footprints on the beach is a beautiful start in the morning, all shrouded in the mist in the mist, the hometon of the mist, like sleeping beauty quietlyI fell asleep until the sun raised from it.It as a beautiful legend in my eyes.Morning, the end of the birth of the sea as the end of my harbor, and the home of the sea.I ant to go home in that end.



  高中英语作文 16

  Lu Xun said, "There is no road in the orld, and ith more people alking, it becomes a road." The straight and broad road is a shortcut paved by road builders, and I am more illing to take a path that belongs to me.

  Turning the road is the mark of our groth.When e ere toddlers, our chubby little short legs ould run uncontrollably and stumble toards our parents arms.Time and time again, e stand up from falls, using our most primitive posture and vivid footsteps to depict floing curves.

  No one is born to be able to alk, and once they land, they can go straight to their destination.From the initial steps, e learned to gro.From the inding footprints, e bid fareell to superficiality and tenderness, as if a small tree had gone through the torment of the ind and finally gre into a toering tree, deeply rooted in the earth and unavering.

  Turn the road, the road ill extend, and the scenery ill follo.

  Turn the road and youll meet a dream at the corner.

  Climbing sno mountains and crossing grasslands, the Red Armys 25000 li Long March Road has no flat cement ground, no rapid Viaduct, no Mercedes Benz trains, cars, and no soaring helicopters.

  Walking through muddy samps, quietly alking through forests infested ith ild animals, enduring the torment of scorching sun on open grasslands, and resisting the ravages of strong inds on cold mountain tops.Single ooden bridges, iron rope bridges...In various dangerous situations, they managed to alk through such a difficult journey of blood.There is no road that tists and turns like it, inding thousands of miles, inding the five ridges, and dancing silver snakes; There is no road as difficult as it is, ith cliffs and thorns.

  Turning the road, I finally alked out of the darkness, out of success, and out of the Heavenly Avenue.

  Without taking a detour, ho can there be a unique style of "mistakenly entering the depths of lotus floers, competing for crossing, competing for crossing, and aking up a beach of gulls and egrets"; Without taking a detour, ho can you meet the suddenly clear "there is no ay to go after mountains and rivers, and Yau Yat Tsuen ill be bright in the dark"; Ho can you see scattered floers by the field ithout taking a detour; If e dont take a detour, ho can e kno that the elcoming pine on the cliff beckons to us, and the lilies at the foot of the cliff also have spring.

  Walking a distance is for a purpose, ithout going through any detours, ho can e cherish the hard on success.Just like the ell-knon "Journey to the West", even if Sun Wukong could soar in the clouds and navigate the mist, he could not thro Tang Monk into the est.Learning from experience is the result of struggle.Without experiencing small monsters, enduring several storms, and experiencing the difficulty of alking, ho can one realize the difficulty of obtaining? The Ninety Nine Eighty One Difficulty taught the four masters and disciples ho to alk, and also taught me - alking is not as simple as going from place A to place B.Walking is a process of experiencing ith ones on heart, and sometimes taking detours is more valuable than taking straight paths.











  高中英语作文 17

  I have a grandmother ho is so ordinary.Sparse silver hair, as if it could be counted one by one; Her eyes ere deeply set, and the rings of time ere engraved on her face.She has no culture and cooks for me at home, picking me up and taking me to and from school sooner or later.She cant keep up ith the times and alays ears old-fashioned eyes.Her hobbies are just ashing clothes and seing buttons for me.She and I live in different spaces, telling her clich é d stories.I listen to my pop songs and read novels online; She only buys me fruit candy, and no I only eat chocolate.We never have much language, and e cant catch up ith a ord or to in our free time.

  My mother signed up for many Cram school for me.It as a long ay to go to cram school, and I needed parents to pick me up.It as my grandmother ho picked me up.When she sends me to tutoring, she alays brings up that shiny little bench; Every time I alked out of the door of the Cram school, I ould alays see her sitting under the tree not far aay, aiting for me on the small bench she brought ith me; When she returned, she alays carried the small bench and folloed me not far or near.I have never paid attention to her because she is too quiet and ordinary.

  So, I tutored for to years.She gave me to years ith a small bench and picked me up for to years ith a small bench.Every time I am very punctual, I never miss anything.I have alays been accustomed to her pick-up and drop off, and never cared.

  Until that rainy inter day.That day, I had a happy class.After a hile, the sky suddenly changed Its face, and a strong ind ble, and soon it began to pour cats and dogs.I couldnt help but feel nervous as I listened to the sound of the rain.Due to the heavy rain, the teacher asked us to go home early.

  As soon as I left, I as stunned.Grandmother sat curled up on a small bench under the eaves.The ind as histling, and her sparse silver hair danced in the ind.I found her back hunched, her thin and eak body huddled together in the ind, appearing so lonely and helpless.My heart seemed to be pulled by something, tears streaming don like broken beads.I rushed up and hugged my grandmother.Grandmother as surprised and said, "Tongtong, hats rong ith you? School is over so early?" She hurriedly stood up and rubbed her hands.Grandma, hy dont you come in and ait for me in such a strong ind and rain? "I asked loudly, There are small rivers running along the roadside.The roar of thunder kept rolling overhead.I cried and said, "Grandmother is not ugly, she is not at all ugly! Grandmother ont lose face for me!" I finally kne the use of that small bench.In the ind and rain, my grandmother held the small stool in one hand and hugged me in the other.That as the first time I snuggled up in my grandmothers arms, so close together……

  Thank you for the inter rain, hich alloed me to understand my grandmother, her silent love, and her silent and special ay of caring for my little self-esteem.Love, silent, never give up!

  Sparse silver hair, deeply set eyes, deeply furroed face, glossy.









  高中英语作文 18

  I often hear people say that our generation does not understand hat ae is.But in fact, its not like that.We just keep our hearts in ae.Respect is definitely not something that can be talked about often, and that kind of "respect" is just deceiving people.

  I also have respected people, but before I say ho she is, I ant to tell a story first.

  She is a gynecologist.There as once a child ho had a very rare illness, and his father as in despair.His mother said she didnt ant the child anymore.Because this disease is highly likely to cause intellectual and hearing damage.But at that time, the child shoed no signs of injury.He ill cry, and after a little coaxing, he ill open his atery eyes and gaze at the orld.All his indicators are very normal, as if his illness as just a lie.So as a doctor, she ent to talk to the parents of her child, and she couldnt atch a live life pass aay like this.Hoever, the parents of the children ere immersed in despair and could not listen to anything.

  She ent to consult ith them countless times.Even a 100% healthy child may not necessarily be healthy hen they gro up, and a child born unhealthy may not necessarily be unable to support them.Anyay, this is also a human life! "She said.But the parents of the child did not listen to anything and did not allo the child to be discharged.

  Later, she asked the childs mother to hug the little guy.He as crying in his mothers arms.His mother comforted him, and he stopped crying.His mother suddenly felt the onder of life, and couldnt help but develop compassion for the child she thought as hopeless.If I abandon this little life just because of unknon factors, hat qualification do I have to be a mother.

  This life has finally been able to continue.

  Noadays, this child is very healthy, able to cry, play, and has a good appetite, almost identical to a normal child.

  And this doctor is my mother.

  In fact, every life deserves respect, even those ho hold hostility toards me are born into this orld ith someones deep love.

  Where there is sunshine, there ill be shados, so here there are shados, there ill alays be sunshine.The thicker the color of despair, there ill also be a dazzling light of hope.No matter ho hopeless life may make you, you must respect and cherish life.Such people are orthy of respect.











  高中英语作文 19

  An expensive gemstone needs to be cut through cracks.Experienced old craftsmen dare not cut.A young craftsman bravely stood up and cut the gemstone into to perfect pieces.

  Which is more important, experience or courage?

  Firstly, many recruitment units noadays alays emphasize that recruiters should have several years of ork experience, but they do not think about it.Where do young people come from ith so much experience? At the same time, many units often do not reuse people over the age of 40 or 50 in actual employment; I didnt even think about it, these people are very experienced.Experience and courage seem really difficult to choose from.

  In fact, experience or courage ere once important, but there ere also unreliable moments.

  A donkey, carrying salt across the river for the first time, accidentally fell, salted, and the donkeys back became light.The second time I crossed the river, the donkey as carrying cotton.Donkeys intentionally fall based on experience.Cotton absorbs ater, and the donkey never stands up again.This example demonstrates that experience is sometimes unreliable.

  The typical example of young, brave, and unreliable is Xiang Yu.Xiang Yu became the commander-in-chief at the age of 28, hen Liu Bang as 48 years old.During the Hongmen era, Xiang Yu had 400000 soldiers, hile Liu Bang had only 100000 soldiers.But Xiang Yu ultimately failed because he as too "brave".

  A neborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but it is likely to be eaten by tigers.Ginger is still old and spicy.But compared to ne ginger, fresh ginger is definitely less flavored.Although young people are full of vitality, they are not busy hen they are young.The old horse knos the ay, but the old horse is likely to be crushed.

  It should be said that experience and courage are both important and indispensable.

  Life is like cutting gemstones.Dont really think that having courage can alays lead to success.Dont think those old craftsmen just cant let go of their orries.We need to kno that life is not a gamble, and that some failures are not alloed to happen once in a lifetime!

  What is the significance of talking about this for nely graduated high school students? Before entering society, one must learn to recognize others and oneself.In society, one should maintain full confidence.Keep striving for self-improvement and learn to respect experienced elders.We cannot be ignorant of small things, act recklessly, or be afraid to let go of the good times of youth.

  If you ant to achieve success in life and career, you should remember that experience is a shortcut, and courage is ings.












  高中英语作文 20

  If I ere an earthorm, ithout my feet, I ould cral forard, lose my hands, and simply plo ith my head.

  What is this? This is hard ork.This is a sharp tool that people carry ith them throughout their lives.Backard in the struggle, forge a path of blood ahead and rush toards the destination that everyone yearns for; Beyond that, e still need to ork hard and challenge ourselves to unleash more potential and develop toards a better future.Struggle requires both hands, but I dont.I am an earthorm ith aspirations but no conditions.My heart is boiling every day, yearning to be like humans, using both hands to fight, create, and elcome the future.But everything is in vain.

  I am not illing.Why do I only have a smooth body? What should I use to fight?

  If there ere no feet, I ould cral forard, lose my hands, and simply plo ith my head.

  So, I used my head to explore everything in the soil, eager to realize my dream - to travel a long distance, embark on the Long March, and move toards a beautiful ne orld.The soft soil in summer is not my strong enemy, so I kept accumulating strength until inter, hen the soft soil became incredibly hard.I kne it as time for me to start fighting!

  Grit your teeth and use the soft top of your head to hit the hard soil.Repeat the action of "hitting stones ith eggs" for countless times.Gradually, you smell the smell of blood and feel severe pain.Looking up at the soil in front of you, it is Blood red."Hum", I smiled at myself contemptuously, and said: "You are so useless?" Accumulated the strength of my hole body and shouted: "I can!" Continue to fight against the hard soil ith the soft and bloody head, Until the flesh and blood blur.

  Blood and soil mix together and stick to the body.The head pushed forard forcefully, but the "soil" in front seemed to have no fear.Looking up, there as a faint gray hite behind Blood red, hich as cement! I have reached the finish line!

  Despite the intense pain at this moment, I broke through the soil and sa a ne orld of unprecedented beauty, hich I had exchanged ith blood and tears.I climbed onto the concrete floor and looked affectionately at the orld before me, bright and blue.A spring rain ashed aay my past.

  The sun came out, my body gradually lightened, my vision blurred, and I smiled.Although I as about to go to heaven no, I had fought for my aspirations ithout regret.










  高中英语作文 21

  The golden sunshine poured quietly through the first mist of the morning, pouring into the ocean of floers.Gently, holding a hint of sunshine, sloly approaching my nose, a hint of armth immediately spread to every corner of my body, including the heart that had been stuffy for a long time.

  When I as young, I alays liked to follo my mother here in three steps and to small runs.Because there are beautiful floers in spring, summer, autumn, and inter here.During the day, this is a paradise for floers, bees, butterflies, and birds, as ell as my ignorant paradise.Here, I cannot see the tired figure submerged in math problems as I gro up; Here, I cannot see the troubles of being surrounded by English ords hen I gro up; Here, I cannot see the learning tools under the control of my father, mother, and teacher hen I gro up; Here, I cant see everything that gre up.

  When I as young, I enjoyed listening to my mother tell me fairy tales.There are stories of beautiful princesses, princes, darves, and sunfloers.The happy ending of the prince and princess made me realize that sharing the seetness of others is also a kind of happiness; The strong sunfloer stubbornly turned Its head toards the sun, revealing to me hat courage and tenacity are; There are also Seven Darfs ho taught me that even ithout a great body, people around me can feel your greatness.

  When I as a child, everything as the most precious treasure of my life, but no I am very afraid of losing them.The trivialities of life and the pressure of learning have deeply sealed my heart, leaving me ith no time or opportunity to repeat the stories of my childhood.The little yello floer in the story ithered from the moment it gre up.After groing up, the dark clouds replaced the bright sunshine of the hour; The classroom after groing up has replaced the gaming paradise of childhood; The various imperfections of groing up have replaced the perfect endings in fairy tales.

  No, I finally have the opportunity to return to the happy paradise of that time.The floers are still the same, the sky is still the same, and the sunshine is still the same.The only thing that has changed is my gron up heart.Ho many people ill stay forever in spring, summer, autumn, and inter.Until no, things have changed.

  I dont ant to gro up, there ill be no floers in the orld hen I gro up; I dont ant to gro up, there ill be no fairy tales in the orld hen I gro up.Hoever, I have gron up little by little.

  Facing the past, present, and future, please believe that the sunlight piercing through dark clouds ill illuminate the emptiness and confusion in your heart.








  高中英语作文 22

  A kind smile can light up the lamp in your heart; A tolerant heart can turn into a isp of fragrance.

  What a disgusting day.The fireball in the sky seemed to burn the orld, and Its body stood in Its fiery light as if burning.So it folloed Its restless heart and hid under the shade of a big tree.My ears are very noisy, "my heart is calm, naturally its cold," so I forced myself to calm don.

  The scene constantly changes in the field of vision.Everyone ants to avoid the scorching light, but children are happy to smile in real life.In groups of three or five, they ill bring toy cars, sand, and ater from home and have a great time.

  A young man riding a bicycle drove over, his hair dyed red, high and bunched up like a red flame, dressed in fashionable clothes, ith the rhythmic sound of metal collisions and several ear holes punched in his ears.The earrings sparkled in the light, and he listened to the rhythmic music in his headphones, his body trembling.

  He obviously didnt notice the little girl ho as having a lot of fun, and the car hit her directly.Fortunately, the speed as not fast and nothing serious happened.He as also startled and immediately got off the car to comfort the little girl, but the little girl seemed afraid of strangers and cried heavily.The adults next to him also criticized the young man.His face turned hite, like a palette.Finally, he stood up and shouted, "Whats rong?" I didnt mean to.Besides, is she not good? “

  The adult next to him listened and said, "You child, you ont apologize for hitting someone.What are you yelling at.

  Whats the matter, hats the matter? "A female voice came from all directions, and then a oman appeared.She pushed aside the crod and hugged the little girl, saying, "Niu Niu, dont cry, dont cry, Mom is here." Upon hearing her mothers voice, the little girl stopped crying.After listening, she said seriously to her daughter, "Niu Niu, you see, Big Brother didnt mean it.Hes still very embarrassed.Go comfort Big Brother." The young man didnt expect him to say this.Big brother, are you okay? "The girl poked her head out of her mothers arms and said to him ith ide eyes.On the contrary, the young man felt guilty.He pulled out a lollipop from his pocket like a magician and said, "Its okay, little sister.Its all my brothers fault.Ill give you candy.My brother ill be careful in the future." I dare to look a oman in the eye.The oman gave him a kind smile, and he also smiled, even more dazzling than the earrings on his ears.

  The summer sunshine spreads the fragrance everyhere, and the gentle breeze carries a hint of tolerance to soothe the restless heart.









  高中英语作文 23

  With the rapid development of the economy, e have entered the advanced WeChat era, and e have entered the trap of the masses.While enjoying the joy and atering of the group, e also need to bear the pressure and interference of the group.Although groups can increase our knoledge and broaden our horizons, they can also have negative effects on us, making it difficult for us to obtain the necessary peace of mind.

  In todays rapidly developing economy, almost everyone of us is associated ith a "group", and mobile phones and computers have gradually made us a member of the "group".Some children even have already joined the "group".This is detrimental to groth, as it can erode our mood, destroy our thinking, and drift ith the flo.

  In this hustle and bustle society, having an ordinary heart and often calming don to think is also a liberation and enjoyment of the soul.Since ancient times, some thinkers have also advocated for stillness.Laozi advocates "keeping quiet and devoting oneself", alloing all things in the orld to move together there.I just observe their reciprocation, so that I can become the master of all things movements.This is called Jing Wei Bi Jun.

  Actually, peace of mind is also a realm.No matter ho lively the outside orld is, alays leave a place for stillness deep ithin oneself.Sometimes, atching it change is also a good choice.Calm don hen youre upset, calm don hen youve failed an exam, calm don hen youre in a difficult situation, calm don hen youre feeling don and decadent...Calm don is also a good medicine.

  We hold a book in our hands, and if e cant calm don, e cant read even the best books, let alone understand the beauty of them.In fact, life is also like this.Only by truly calming don can ones mind and senses truly relax.Hoever, e cannot just remain still.Your body should strive to move around the orld as much as possible, and your mind should be able to fluctuate in the mortal orld.The key is to have a peaceful core in your spirit.

  Quietness is also an attitude, an attitude toards the orld, life, and life.Maintain a sense of peace of mind, alloing our hearts to alays relax; Maintain a calm heart and make our life moments beautiful; Maintain a calm mind and keep our hearts open at all times……

  Maintaining peace of mind is maintaining a comfort for the soul.








  高中英语作文 24

  To this day, count the stars under the tree; To this day, gazing at the beauty of the starry sky; To this day, sorro has floed back into a river, bit by bit, and history has reappeared in my heart.The ind has made the beauty old, but I am still aiting.Dreams have made the beauty cry, only because of the unbreakable string.Without hope, ithout the beauty of meteors passing through the night sky.

  The rain ith a clear breeze, the smile ith a clear breeze, the severe cold bloing through the young leaves in the yard, also chilled the bouquet of floers in my hand.The separated streets and villages, the separated fences, the continuous rain inside, the small story outside the city, sending you aay thousands of miles aay, tears have salloed up the dust.Thinking of the past, in this dreamy and picturesque life, the scenery of sticking light poder and fish bloing on the ater surface, the happy figures of you and me continue to shuttle through the mortal orld, ith laughter echoing every corner.Everyone is like a pair of angels solving comets, making mutual ishes.

  Hoever, you are about to leave.Due to your on ideals, in the days after you left, I learned to be silent and let the taste of loneliness surround my entire heart.I alays stare at the night sky in confusion, and my eyes may be filled ith hope, searching for your direction in the dark.Dreams follo the ind for thousands of miles, and my soft heart hangs for thousands of miles.I am just aiting, aiting for that moment of happiness.

  The gentle fragrance of spring floers carries the chill of inter.In the summer hen accidents happen, the indo is still shouting for your arrival.I really ant to use magical magic, ave the saying guitar strings, and let the comet reappear.Because you once said that ith a comet, there ill be expectations, and ne surprises ill appear.I nodded skeptically.

  It as a sad moment hen I andered around in the evening, alone until the end of my life.I heard a heartache sound, and suddenly looked up at the sky.Meteors sept my eyes, shining in the sky, dazzling my heart.The beautiful moment made my heart burst ith joy, and I suddenly realized that I sa the gentle and agile dance steps of the daughter of hope, hich made me intoxicated.At this time, I also sa the colorful light of hope, I am addicted to it, you! My longing.

  The meteor finally reappeared, ho many days and nights of aiting, ho many cold tears I rushed to the moonlight sky, embraced the meteor, and sa you alking toards me.

  Perhaps this is just a ish, just a beautiful ish? I couldnt figure it out from beginning to end.








  高中英语作文 25

  People vote in favor of Mutao and report to Qiongyao.Will you give back ten times hat you need hen others give you hat you need?

  My father gave birth to me, my mother boed to me, caressed me, raised me, raised me, cared for me, and restored me.Do you ant to be grateful for the past?

  I remember hen I as in kindergarten, my body as very eak, and several times I came home ith tears in my eyes.At that time, my mother didnt say much, just hugged me.Suddenly, I felt so cold and surrounded my body, brushing aay the tears from my eyes.I nestled in my mothers arms, her caressing my hair, and before I kne it, I as already asleep.Moms embrace is so arm and comfortable.

  In elementary school, although I as gradually becoming more mature, I still couldnt bear to part ith my fathers thick shoulders, hich made me feel like I as flying.Every time I resist alking, I ask my dad to carry it.My father alays laughs ildly and says, "Okay, Im still strong." Then help me on my shoulder.

  At the age of thirteen, I have gradually gron up, ithout the arm embrace of my mother, the thick shoulders of my father, and no trace of shyness.But during my groth, there ere still family members taking care of me.When crossing the road, you are facing passing cars.Even though I have learned to avoid "ghosts", my mothers rough hand still tightly holds my hand, afraid that I might make any mistakes.When eating, my parents ould place the most delicious dishes and nourishing soup in front of me.Almost here my chopsticks stop, my parents eyes shift.When doing homeork, someone ill turn off the dazzling yello light and turn on the soft hite light to remind me not to be too tired.

  The love of parents is like ater, floing smoothly and sloly into our hearts.Like soil, so fertile and selflessly nourishing our bodies.Its fire, burning our passion.

  Pieces of fragmented memories pieced together, I found that family affection is priceless, interest free, and intangible.So, at the age of fifteen, should I do something, and should I use my meager strength to do something for my parents? For example, if you can try to be happy ith your parents like they treat you.In ancient times, Huang Xiang armed his fathers bed.Can you do it no? Understand gratitude, "filial piety is the first of all virtues." Isnt it? Appreciate your parents care for you.Theres no need to be earthshaking, just have sincerity.

  I believe that in the future, I ill not only enjoy family relationships, but also appreciate them.









  高中英语作文 26

  Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.The year of Sushijin is fleeting.Youth, like an hourglass, flos through my fingers like yesterday—— In my busy life, hen the ind blos through years, I see those regressed times that are so beautiful.The youth, publicity, and dreams of the past are as brilliant as fireorks.Hoever, at the end of youth, all of this had already passed aay.

  A long life is destined to leave the once arm harbor and drift toards the distance.Remembering my youthful years, my steadfast beliefs, and flying dreams, I thought I could make this orld quiet and beautiful.Little did I kno that along the ay, I couldnt breathe the smell of sunshine, and my innocent face turned into vicissitudes.Time flies, the lead fades aay, and many years later, e once again linger on the edge of memory.Looking back at those lost years, perhaps e suddenly realize that in this lush life, e have laughed together.Looking back, deep in the dim lights, there is a childish face, playing and playing ith a group of children.It turns out that it is precisely us ho ere young.Suddenly, tears streamed don my face.In my innocent years, I as free, laughing, and having a group of friends ho often played ith me.When I as young, my heart as not lonely: as I gre up, I suddenly realized that I as becoming increasingly lonely.If there are regrets, perhaps its just that I, ho as young and reckless at the time, didnt kno ho to cherish.

  Time pushes us forard step by step, e stumble, shed blood and tears, shed seat, ave goodbye to childhood, and sloly usher in this season of our youth - cool and somehat ostentatious.Along the ay, e alays have conflicts ith youth, otherise there ould be no rebellious youth, fragmented souls, stubborn enough not to easily say sorry, and even its okay just to echo.We alays try to remember the brilliant appearance of youth every day, but time passes, time goes too fast, and everything comes too suddenly.Suddenly, looking back, it turned out that my young heart really couldnt afford to lose, and my youth couldnt ithstand the harm e had caused over and over again.

  Floing years, like the passing of floers, have already gone far aay.Time cannot go back to the past, nor can it go back to the beginning.My dear old time, goodbye, past events, goodbye, like floer years, goodbye...Lonely ords, faint sadness, mourn this season of clear autumn, mourn our youth of joys and sorros...Time is quiet, time is peaceful.





  高中英语作文 27

  Everything in the orld has life, including a tree, a floer, and a grass; Including a bird, a pig, and a fish, they are all creatures that live ith us on Earth.We should respect them as much as e respect ourselves.

  Do you hope that the little dog that as playing ith you the previous second ill become a delicious dish on the human dining table the next? Do you ish the forest you are camping in ould instantly turn into a desert? Do you hope that the clear and boundless sea ill be filled ith disgusting bodies of various fish floating in the next second? I dont think you ould ant the above to happen.

  In embroidery, it is not difficult to see large areas of roses and peonies, but hen people spread hite pollution all over the sky and discharge industrial seage underground, e can only see ithered floers and plants, completely missing their scenery on the embroidered fabric.Do you hope that in the future, our lives ill alays be filled ith tall buildings ithout any greenery?

  In order to survive and recover their physical health as soon as possible, humans have captured a large number of bears and extracted bile.Their hands have an incurable ound, and their clas have been shaved clean.The bears, ho should have enjoyed nature and displayed their majestic side, are no looking at the greedy humans outside the cage ith frightened eyes, piercing their bodies ith terrifying machines, Extract their bile to make medicine.Do you hope that the orld ill be left ith only humans and no animal embellishments, and the hole orld ill be lifeless?

  Fish do not forget to bo up in the hot oil pot to protect the roe in their belly; The mother olf mourned alone on the cliff hen she sa the little olf being captured by humans; The mother bird is determined to let the bird learn to fly alone, even if it falls all over ith bruises; The calf kne to cover the butchers knife ith Its body and pleaded ith the butcher ith tearful eyes; When a dog dies, it ill spare no effort to protect Its oner, even if it is a path to heaven in front of it...These touching examples are all about animals, and animals are not insensible or emotional.They are like us, ith emotions, thoughts, tears, laughter

  Let us call on all humanity to protect the environment by protecting our lives; Protecting animals is protecting our families; Protecting plants is protecting our hearts...Lets take action together, revere plants, animals, and life!







  高中英语作文 28

  When the arm ind sept the fragrance of green grass, the hite magnolia in the community bloomed; When ithered branches gro a ne layer of green; When people go out, they take off their heavy cotton clothes and stretch out their hands.I kno its another good spring time.

  This is the spring hen I am 17 years old!

  At such an age, I dont think I ill definitely enjoy going out for a fe days, and its not here that makes me smile.

  I like beautiful things, and spring is undoubtedly beautiful.The spring breeze has blon over and turned the southern bank of the river green.Everything seems to have temperature, even the air is arm.Look at the green grass sprouts, the lo Jasminum nudiflorum, the tulips everyhere, and even the screaming caterpillars, all telling you the nes of the arrival of spring.Hoever, my footsteps are hurried, only a little to accumulate the beauty of nature.

  When I ake up in the morning and open the indo, hen I bo my head, I ill raise a heartfelt smile.The plants on the indosill that are so green are not the potted plants that I raised to death! No it is so full of vitality, just seeing the veins of the leaves, intricate but stretching, I ould feel:

  The spring hen I as 17 years old as filled ith joy.

  I am a bit of a literary person.When I alk past Chaotian Palace in the evening, I quietly think of the classic lyrics "I am like a beautiful family for you, like ater floing through the years".Imagine if Liu Sheng and Du Liniang also met in such a arm spring season.I cant help but think of the illo on the branches is bloing less, here is there no fragrant grass in the ends of the earth.So, it as inevitable to stroll home ith some thoughts of spring and autumn sadness.Even hen one sees a tree of floers blooming here, they ill mournfully pass by the negative feeling of once spring is red and old, floers fall and people die ithout knoing.

  In fact, blooming and falling are natural groth las.Blooming may be for ithering, but ithering is for better blooming.Hoever, this sentiment, hich I consider literary and artistic, is also something that comes ith me at my age.Its like sitting in a bus and looking out, feeling like a trance, unable to explain hy.

  My 17 year old spring as mixed ith a hint of sadness.

  Whether its joy or sadness, they are all my precious emotions.Above, ith a background of blue sky, the kite as flying high in the ind, something I havent flon again in a long time.Many things, many people, pass through their minds like lanterns, becoming the past.

  I only kno that this year, I ill usher in the colorful spring of 17 years old that belongs to me.












  高中英语作文 29

  When it comes to youth, people alays have a smile on their faces.Because e are in our youth and e have the best age.Youth is our biggest capital for Mae Nomeri.In my impression, youth may be the nostalgia of Xu Zhimo aving goodbye to Kangqiao, or the encounter of Dai Wangshu ith a lilac like girl in the rain lane.Whether its nostalgia or sadness, I ant to say: this is the taste of youth.

  The path of youth is alays full of thorns, and ise people ill use appropriate methods and infinite efforts to turn thorns into life-saving stra.

  In my memory, the best time to experience the definition of youth as during the final sprint stage of my junior high school entrance examination.Looking back no, I still think thats the most youthful of me.Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, all I ant to do is to reach the finish line, almost to the finish line, not to lose, fight once! In the last hundred days, almost every day I ent home earing stars and moons, and the clock ticked at night, knocking telve times ithout realizing it.Hoever, I ignored it and only searched for a sense of achievement in the sea of physics problems.Because physics is alays my Achilles heel, repeated attempts to score have taught me that I must overcome it.The playground of our alma mater has shed a lot of seat on us, atching the male classmates seat like rain on the field, experiencing a joy in the competition of football skills; Looking at the chalk crumbs falling on the blackboard, experiencing the small gains e have gained in learning.Isnt everything unforgettable a itness to our youth?

  Youth can also be bitter, and I ant to thank you all for accompanying me on the journey of youth and enjoying the hardships.Your presence has shon me hope, alloing me to find the courage to persevere in failures time and time again.It is precisely because of your presence that I have added a beautiful scenery to my youth.

  After experiencing the youth and confusion of middle school, I entered the gate of high school.This means that my college dream is already ithin reach, but it does not mean that I have entered the safe.Without effort or effort, dreams ill be shattered.

  I say: Youth is the act of putting in ones life, putting in ones best, courageously pursuing, daring to do, and striving hard, so that there ill be no regrets left.Just because e have the capital to pursue our dreams and the motivation to look forard to the future, even if e accidentally fall during the pursuit process, e still have the strength to not be afraid of pain! The colors of youth require us to depict and fill them, and the poer of youth is infinite!

  Come on, e on the road of youth!








  高中英语作文 30

  Communication is very important beteen people, hether it is beteen Chingusai, relatives or teachers and students.Everyone understands this principle, but very fe people carefully understand the mysteries and communicate, hich can help more people understand their emotions and be happy and happy ith everyone hen they are happy and happy; Communication can help everyone share their pain and sadness, and reduce their pain again and again.Ho important communication is for everyone!

  One night, I as alking alone on my ay home from school.When I came home, I sa a "pure blue school" girl earing blue sportsear, a blue cap and blue sneakers.She alked ith great strides.I kne her.She as the ne resident next door and my neighbor.But do I need to say hello to her? We have only met tice, and I dont kno her, nor does she kno me.Hoever, as neighbors, e need to get to kno each other sooner or later, so I quickened my pace.Hoever, as she approached, she had a cold face that seemed very difficult to approach.I hesitated, but I still loudly said, "Hi, hello, here are you going?" For an instant, she put don her cold face and started talking to me ith a smile on her face.

  This is just a small interlude, in fact, it is communication.In this small communication, I feel the joy and happiness brought by communication and exchange.

  Communication is the most primitive and easy procedure for communication beteen people, serving as a bridge beteen hearts, a cure for loneliness and loneliness, and a solution to the cold ind

  On a sunny afternoon, I as troubled by a difficult problem.My mother ould deliver milk and peel apples.But I didnt accept my mothers affection and thre a cold sentence to her: "Im orking on a problem, dont bother me!" After listening, my mother didnt say anything and ent back to her room.But hen I finished the question, it suddenly daned on me.I ran to my parents bedroom and apologized to my mother, ho understood me very ell and as not angry,

  Communication is as small as raindrops, but there is no shortage of sparkling light.He rushes toards the earth, merges into a stream, and ithout hesitation flos into the river here the hearts meet; Communication is more silent than sound like raindrops, falling drop by drop, crushing the footprints of time, and finally breaking through the stone like barriers beteen people.







  高中英语作文 31

  Walking on the ay to school, atching the continuous flo of people, my footsteps ere hurried.Cars, trucks, electric vehicles, bicycles flashed by.Several elementary school students quickly rushed toards the school gate.Even small birds are rushing around in search of food.

  I am also on the road, but it seems that I am out of place in this orld.I am very aare that the task of every day is to study, and I also kno that the high school entrance examination ill soon be held.Hoever, I still cannot lift my spirits, living all day long in a daze, feeling sluggish, and living a disorganized and chaotic life.

  On Sunday, my sister from primary school came to my house to play and gave me a pot of Ipomoea nil.She said; "This is planted in Grandmas backyard.I heard you like it and Ill give it to you." The seeds of Ipomoea nil have just sprouted fresh green shoots, so cute! I put it on the indosill, poured some ater, and then e ent.

  The next morning, I oke up in the morning light and sa the shado of Ipomoea nil reflected on the all.I as surprised to find that it as much higher than yesterday.Looking at it, I sa it saying in the breeze.The sunlight fell on it, looking extremely impressive.Someho, I seem to be hoping for something.Good anticipation, good anticipation of Its appearance tomorro.I quickly got out of bed to ater it and sprinkled some liquid fertilizer on it.I really hope it can gro up faster.

  As expected, Ipomoea nil gros taller, faster and stronger day by day.In my hope, it becomes even more beautiful, ith emerald green leaves intertined against the stem, a crystal clear ater droplet hanging from the tip of the nely emerged tender bud, and floer buds also groing out.Although it did not bloom, it also attracted bees and butterflies in circles.

  On a cloudy afternoon, after a thunderous sound, there as a heavy rain pouring don the ground.In a flash, I thought of the Ipomoea nil blooming on the balcony.After school, I ran all the ay home, panting and opening the door, only to find it unharmed.The leaves gently sayed in the ind, like a gentleman ho kept boing.I looked carefully again, and Its stems and leaves tightly rapped around the railing, unilling to let go.Like a brave arrior ho is unilling to bo to fortune for the sake of purpose.

  At that moment, I seemed to have found something I had been exploring for a long time, hich as to strive tirelessly for the purpose, persevere in resistance, and strive to the end.

  On a sunny day, the morning glory bloomed.It as very beautiful, very beautiful, and it seemed very pleased.

  From then on, my life has been filled ith sunshine every day.I have a plan and a purpose in my life, and I ill definitely ork hard for the purpose and strive for our beautiful future.







  高中英语作文 32

  Many things in a persons life require gratitude. Grateful to the earth, grateful to floers, grateful to rain and de. Yes, gratitude is the foundation of life. Just like the grass cannot do ithout the care of rain, the blue sky cannot do ithout the contrast of hite clouds. So, ho do you ant to be grateful for? Its a grateful chef ho cooked a delicious meal for us; Be grateful to the construction orkers for building houses for us; Or are you grateful to the Sanitation orker ho clean the streets and roads for us in any bad eather? Thats right, e all need to be grateful! Gratitude is indispensable in every aspect of life. We should not only thank the people around us, but also the stranger ho, in times of helplessness, makes a slight gesture to help you. For example, a round of applause can boost your confidence; A bent don support can ignite your hope for life. But e need to start ith the things around us. The first thing to be grateful for is our parents and teachers.

  When e transform from an ignorant child to a sensible and obedient elementary school student, the traces of time are splashed under the guidance of the teacher. Teacher, your heart is far greater than the earth and the blue sky! It is said that teachers are hardorking gardeners; It is also said that teachers are candles, burning themselves and illuminating others. Hoever, the contribution of teachers is far greater than that of gardeners or candles. The life of Baiei, the teacher of Baiei, you are educating us bit by bit. Sometimes, students may find it tedious. But little by little, they turned from raindrops into puddles; From a pool to a stream; From a small stream to a lake; Finally, after experiencing countless hardships, it became a surging and boundless sea. We should be grateful to our teacher, it is you ho has illuminated our path in life!

  Mothers love, fathers love... The most beautiful emotion in the orld is family affection. Starting from a baby only a little bit old, sloly groing up. The truth of the orld is that you educate them bit by bit. From simply using chopsticks, to ashing clothes yourself, and finally organizing the room, you guide us hand in hand. We are like chickens living under the ings of a hen. You use your "ings" to protect our eak body, alloing the eather to be cold and the ind to blo and rain to beat us. If human love is the most precious, then hich of our loved ones around us is not someone ho carefully cares for and cultivates us? We should be grateful to our parents, it is you ho have pointed out the direction of our life!

  Teachers have illuminated the path of our lives, and parents have pointed out the direction of our lives. Should e thank them hile feeling the armth of the lights and friendly ords? Some people say that they hope that human love is a circle, and after you are grateful to others, they ill use their actions to be grateful to more people. In this ay, hen its your turn, gratitude gently blos in, forming a happy and arm circle of love and gratitude.

  Gratitude is something e all must achieve. When you are grateful for someone, our hearts are also purified for it. Lets learn to be grateful!






  高中英语作文 33

  Sometimes, one often looks at the sky alone; Sometimes, I often fantasize about here heaven is; Sometimes, I look at the sky and imagine hat it is like? What is heaven like? And hat is the orld like.

  The sky is alays light blue, ith a very clean feeling.It sometimes adorns ith hite clouds, adding a sense of peace and tranquility.And I alays feel that the orld is chaotic.With peoples increasingly serious vies on money, their living standards have risen, but their moral values have declined.Even children understand the importance of money.Hehe, the current society is quite fun, and Im a bit confused about it.

  The sky gives people a really peaceful feeling.Please think about it: on a quiet afternoon, lying alone on the lan, atching the sky, hite clouds sloly drifting, and the sky is a light blue color.Lying there, there as no trace of distractions in my mind.Isnt it very poetic? Do you feel a bit in Wonderland? Traveling in the sky? Yes, I think so.Beauty is alays fleeting, but I dont think so because no matter here you are, the sky is beautiful, peaceful, and quiet.Compared to society, it should be a orld apart!

  I havent seen heaven before, I think it should be on the closest cloud to the sun! After all, heaven should be the armest place and never make people feel cold.The souls of heaven are probably very happy, because they stay aay from disputes.The animals in heaven are probably easy because they no longer have to orry about being hunted by humans.The floers, plants, and trees in heaven are probably happy, because they no longer have to orry about their ives and children being separated, nor do they have to orry about being cut don by humans.Heaven, is it beautiful! I have been fantasizing, even if heaven does not exist.

  All the best things ill appear in heaven, is it because heaven brings happiness and joy to people?

  And hat about the orld? The orld belongs to the earth.And the earth is hell, hich is just the opposite of heaven, terrifying and terrifying.Hell, ith horrible molten slurry, has a frightening Ox-Head and Horse-Face.There is no happiness, there is no happiness.Some are just grief, some are just fear.

  The most terrifying things are all on the ground, hy is this?

  Hell and heaven are both fictional, but is the chaos in the orld and the stillness in the sky fake? I dont think so, hy? It should be thought-provoking to see hy there is such a big difference since they ere all born together!









  高中英语作文 34

  When I as born, you came to me, alays around me, never giving up on me, I am also helpless and grateful!

  Ive been tossing and turning for you, Ive been feeling like I dont kno hat to eat.Youre like a dream stealer, stealing many, many dreams from people like me.Telve years of learning, telve years of dealing ith people, I am physically and mentally exhausted because of you, and I am scarred because of you; And it is precisely because of you that I keep striving and climbing.It is because of you that I better understand ho hard it is to come by and cherish hat I have.I once thanked you for making me more mature, more don-to-earth, but also timid of your silent arrival.

  The tense second year of high school has passed, and the challenges of the small college entrance examination have finally been successfully solved.Hoever, one after another is the revered third year of high school.Yes, I am afraid that my third year in high school may not come from the bottom of my heart.I encourage and enlighten myself, but I am still afraid of the arrival of my third year in high school.Grades are the standard for measuring a person, but my grades are never outstanding.Faced ith the helplessness of physics, the fear of English, and the panic of mathematics, I am like a pedestrian in a thorny forest ithout a sickle.I have been scratched one after another, causing me endless pain, losing my direction, and anting to give up.I marvel at the difficulty, but I am grateful.

  On all the days ith you, I ould diligently complete hat I had to do and holeheartedly "treat" you, until I ran ahead of you before you left in despair.Opening my homeork book and looking at the questions that the teacher had crossed, my heart alays soured.The thought of you mocking me at this moment and preparing to proudly say to me, "You dont kno this question," gave me the strength to face it.I calmed don and studied step by step, ent to ask classmates and consult old teachers.I am not afraid of difficulties, and I ant to prove that I am brave and strong enough.When your head is loered and loered from time to time, I ill take another step more confidently.The most difficult thing to convince in the orld is my on heart.As long as I persist, I believe that any problem I face can be solved.

  Its a sigh! Its crying! Its despair! Struggle is both a smile and hope, striving for oneself, striving for difficulties.This should be destined! You are so important in everyones life, someone has died for you, someone has fallen for you, someone has succeeded for you, you accompany us, like the guidance of an old man to a young child step by step, and e understand you more clearly, see through you, you dont ant to hear sighs! So hen e faced you squarely, you alked aay ith a smile……

  Difficulty, the past has already set foot on the path of the past, and no e have to alk together.Retreat or progress only hen it is an enemy or a friend.







  高中英语作文 35

  The term home is multifaceted.For some people, home is their place of life; For some people living in a foreign land, it is a place that is close to them but they dare not crave; But in my eyes, home is

  A gust of cold ind ble in, and the grass undulated like aves, aking up the orld and also aking me up.I opened my eyes and the sky as covered in red clouds.I remembered everything about my hometon: not to mention the creek in front of the door, not to mention the uneven alnut trees, not to mention the green hills.Just the constant chirping of cicadas in front of the door made me linger and forget to leave.I remembered the soil of my hometon, hich is fragrant, Even the air has a refreshing fragrance, hich is the smell of soil mixed ith sunlight.

  I remember that summer hen my grandmother as eaving a mat ith reeds and sa me bored and said, "Yaoer, ait for me to come back.Grandma alked into the house and then ran don the yard to the back mountain.

  After a long time, she finally returned.She gasped and said, "Guess hat I caught?" Before I could anser, she took it out.It as a cicada ith a long string tied to it.It kept flying upards, but it couldnt fly out of this thin string.

  I asked my grandmother ho she managed to catch cicadas, but she said, "Follo me." The back mountain as very steep, and my grandmother supported me and let me alk behind.In an instant, I arrived at a forest.Look.It points to a tree, here there is a big one.It is calling out ithout a single one.It is shouting "uyi, uyi" and I ant to run over and catch it.My grandmother took my hand and hispered to me, "This cicada is blind, but it has special ears.Yao Er, please dont move yet." She pressed herself and sloly alked to the tree.I caught the cicada in a flash, and hen she handed me the cicada, I noticed that her hand had been cut open by a branch.I took the cicada ith one hand and grabbed her hand ith the other, only to find that it as covered in scars.I had never looked at her carefully before, and her temples had climbed up ith silver threads, and her spine had also bent don

  In the evening, it darkened quickly.My grandmother and I ere surrounded by the fire, atching TV hile she continued to make the mat.When she as focused on making the mat, I secretly looked at her, her face shining red, especially rosy.Her eyes ere half narroed, but I could still see the kindness emanating from it.

  Thats right, home is like the cicada that cannot fly out, closely connected to us.As long as there is love in our hearts, it is home, and as long as there are relatives in our homes, it is home.








  高中英语作文 36

  Responsibility is an indispensable lesson in our lives.In society, each of us plays a different role, and each of us also bears corresponding responsibilities.Responsibility is like a floer, there are floers everyhere in the orld, and there is responsibility everyhere.

  A philosopher once said, "If a person is responsible, he must be a spiritual success." Fan Zhongyans strong sense of responsibility of "orrying about the orld first, and happy after the orld" has been handed don to this day.Who has a strong sense of responsibility like Fan Zhongyan and has no reputation for ever? Responsibility is a necessity in society.

  Responsibility is a bud that is about to bloom, and it requires the action of each and every one of us to ater it and make it bloom all over the orld.

  A young American man, in his youth, opened a small bank in a city through his unremitting efforts.Hoever, soon after, the bank as robbed and suffered heavy losses.All depositors came to seek compensation.Shortly after, the court criticized him for not having to compensate the entire amount.Hoever, afterards, he ent to the depositors one by one to apologize and promised to compensate for all losses, So he began his debt repayment career, and through his unremitting efforts, he finally paid off all his debts in his fifties.At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No the stones in his heart have finally fallen

  His sense of responsibility is undoubtedly admirable.He is responsible to both others and himself.Hoever, in todays society, those manufacturers of fake and substandard goods make some food that is harmful to humanity ithout conscience, and the perpetrators ignore them...undoubtedly, they are irresponsible for their on lives.These people are to be despised by people, just like insects that hinder floers, and they ill be eliminated as soon as possible.

  As every citizen in society, it is incumbent on each and every one of us to take responsibility.Responsibility is like a torch in the dark, able to rescue people from darkness and ignorance.Responsibility is like a sturdy umbrella, blocking rumors for us.

  Shouldering responsibility is our attitude toards our on life.With a sense of responsibility, e can find the right direction in the rong path of our life journey.

  Everyhere in the orld, there are budding buds.Lets use our strong practical actions to make every floer of responsibility bloom brightly!









  高中英语作文 37

  Life cannot be perfect, everything cannot be complete.Heart is too small to hold so many beautiful things, e must learn to give up.To capture the agility of butterflies, one must abandon the beautiful roses on the roadside.To pursue the unknon beauty ahead, one must give up the unchanging beauty behind.

  Nature has abandoned ancient times and left behind history.Therefore, there is life in the orld, and generations after generations of people, hether they are animals or plants, must abandon their old forms if they ant to move forard.Dinosaurs ere abandoned by nature, insects became smaller, trees became shorter, and chimpanzees learned to alk.In this ay, nature moves forard step by step, and all useless things that hinder her progress ill be abandoned.This is the la that heaven and earth follo: giving up is the key to progress.

  The shrub abandoned Its upright posture and preferred to live by the roadside ith Its head don, stealing a fe rays of sunlight from Its companions dense shados, and picking up some nutrients from others sturdy and poerful roots, knoing that the ind ould destroy the tree.What is the use of groing tall? Its just adding a fe sturdy ooden beams to the house at the foot of the mountain.The dead butterfly abandoned the beauty it should have, silently enduring the irony of the contrast beteen floers and ithered leaves, hiding in a corner of the ithered tree, knoing that terrible death often comes ith beauty.Fan Li rote that he abandoned his comfortable ealth and left ith his friends cron and boat, knoing that a cunning rabbit had died and a stray dog had boiled it.A fe years later, his friend as killed, proving his isdom of giving up.Abandoning is also a form of self-protection.

  The phoenix is in a state of nirvana, exposed to fire, and burns the most magnificent flame ith the strength accumulated over 500 years.It abandons the old skin and obtains a ne soul, causing the soul to be reborn in repeated sacred baptisms.The Thorn Bird sings before death, thrusting Its body toards the sharp thorns, and the land is stained red ith blood.It sings in agony, abandoning the afterlife for a moment of desolation and tragedy.The abandonment of fate is the beauty of persistence in ancient legends.

  Ji Kang is not a Tang dance, but a thin and unrestrained Kong Yi.He is bold and secular, neglecting ethics, and follos the faith.He chuckles and plays the piano on the execution ground, singing a fareell song from Guangling.He sacrificed his life for his ignorance, but has he ever regretted it? Ho could you regret it? Wen Tianxiang refused to go to heaven and lost his life, leaving a heart to be remembered! Head broken and blood floing, but I cant bo my head! Xu You ashes his ears, Ziling fish, and picks chrysanthemums.They almost gave up everything, just to preserve the light and faith in their hearts.

  Regardless of the reason, you must first learn to give up, give up, give up first, and then get.







  高中英语作文 38

  fter filling out my volunteer, my parents asked me ho I did in the exam, and I smiled and said that I did very poorly, only filling in one school that couldnt be orse.Dad said Im like a child, I cant do ell in exams and still laugh.Do I cry if I dont laugh!

  Perhaps I am really a bit like a child! Three years ago today, after the successful test sea strategy in my third year of junior high school, I naively thought that hard ork ill lead to success, so I stubbornly came to this dilapidated high school despite everyones obstruction.But after struggling ith all my might for a long time, I realized that I had made an outrageous mistake, but I couldnt help but regret it.

  To years ago, I fell in love, and God unknoingly made me sit don ith the girl I love.I naively thought that heaven ould make my love smooth sailing! After experiencing a painful and long period of secret love, I finally ithdre ith interest.Later on, in order to forget her, I bravely tasted the taste of "tearing my heart and lungs" once again.Its really orse to live than to die!

  When I as in my third year of high school, the old class solemnly said, Im starting to fight no.If I dont fight anymore, I ont have a chance.Otherise, hat ould I do to go home and do my homeork?! Everyone should believe that if they ork hard, there ill alays be gains...The ords from the old class made everyones blood boil and they began to study hard ith a decent appearance.Hoever, ithin a eek, they started playing cards, attending online classes, and sleeping as usual.Only e, the so-called top students in learning, are still gritting our teeth and persevering in order to live up to the high expectations of many teachers and parents.

  But the old classs saying hard ork pays off did not have much effect on us.Despite repeated exams, e ere repeatedly defeated.The students ith poor grades have spared no effort, but e so-called "top students" cannot spare the face of the school and teachers.So it happens that e, the students ith good grades, orry about our grades every day, unable to afford them, and unable to let them go, feeling as painful as a breakup!

  Perhaps pain can make people mature.Once, hen I looked in the mirror, I really felt like I had matured a lot, as evidenced by my hite hair all over my head!

  I persisted in the life of being a good child in the eyes of adults for a long time, and in the last month, I finally lost hope for my college dream and as no longer illing to persist.In order to pass the college entrance examination, I carried my parents and teachers behind my back and started the vulgar and vulgar ay of life that I once despised: playing online all night every night, and sitting "fishing" ith my eyelids propped up during the day.In such a depraved day, I seem to be able to find happiness because I have been laughing all along.








  高中英语作文 39

  To this day, I am already 1.85 meters tall.I dont kno ho much taller I am than my mother, nor ho much heavier I am.I am getting younger and stronger day by day, and my mother is getting older day by day.I think I have gron up and should take care of my mother no.

  I forgot hich evening it as hen I came home from school, and my mom and dad ere not at home on business.I put an A4 paper on the coffee table, hich as filled ith ords; When the meal is ready, place it in the pot and heat it over lo heat for ten minutes before turning off the gas valve; The clothes are ashed and placed by the bedside.Dont forget to change them tomorro; Remember to put the milk on the heating, its good to drink hot tomorro morning...then theres no more.I cant stand it anymore and Im crying.I pulled out a small notebook from the draer and rote the same ords on each page.They ere all ritten by my mother hen she as on a business trip before, except for "nagging" ords like closing the indos, covering the quilt, and having a good meal.

  But looking and atching, I cried again.Its not that my tear glands are too fragile, its just that my mother has been riting the same ords from childhood to adulthood.Originally, I havent gron up yet, and I am still that child.I still need my mother to remind me of small things one by one.

  That day, I as helping my mother cook in the kitchen, and I listened to her muttering hile cooking.I chuckled and asked, "Are you reciting the magic spell? No onder the rice is so delicious." My mother glared at me and continued, "He thought this dish as too salty last time, so he didnt add a spoonful of salt...He likes to eat seet food, so he added an extra spoonful of sugar..." I couldnt listen anymore and alked aay, afraid she ould see me crying.

  I havent gron up yet, so I have to ask my mother to help me remember every bit.I cant even remember hat kind of food I like to eat, but I kno I definitely love hat my mother cooks because she remembers every flavor I love.

  That day, hile my mother as combing her hair, she found a strand of hite hair and clamored for me to help her see if it as still there.Of course I refused at once.Ho dare I go see it? Im afraid to see her hite hair getting more and more, Im afraid I have to admit that shes already old, and Im afraid that Ill really gro up and one day Ill fly ithout her.

  Originally, I havent gron up yet.I am still that coardly child, relying on my mother, and still afraid that my mother ill really gro old before I really gro up.

  Originally, I havent gron up yet.In front of my mother, I ill alays be a young child; But one day my mother ill still gro old.I hope one day I can also support her.









  高中英语作文 40

  I alays thought that the rain in Fengzhong as different from other places and had a special artistic conception.Its mystery has alays attracted me to search for that unique anser that belongs to it.

  Perhaps its the unique architectural style.Under the hazy fog and rain, the green tiles and hite bricks have changed from their former majestic and majestic appearance, appearing particularly charming, like a ater ink painting that is afraid of being torn apart, making people immerse themselves in the dreamlike Jiangnan ater ton.Although I as born in the north, looking at the blue sky and hite clouds, and groing up eating heat and corn, I am alays longing for the ater made Jiangnan.Especially the fine rain in Jiangnan captivates me, perfectly shocasing the softness and delicacy of Jiangnan.The silver needle that falls from the sky, like countless threads of love, touches the softest side of peoples hearts.Ho many talented people have recited and aved ink for it in history?

  Strolling in the light rain has a rare pleasure.Listening to the rustling sound of the rain gently tapping the broad leaves of the Populus lasiocarpa or utong tree, the beauty that moistens the bottom of my heart is difficult to compare, even if it is the elegant melody like Autumn Whispers floing under the piano of Richard Cleman.The miraculous craftsmanship of nature is truly unparalleled.If there ere another pair of lovers alking on the arch bridge at this moment, the scene ould be extremely ordinary.But Feng Zhongs Rain had a magical addition of a small umbrella in his hand and a beige indbreaker on his body, hich ould have a completely different effect.At first glance, the youth in the rain is a durable picture.

  Even if the heavy rain appears in Fengzhong, it is a different scene.When there is rain, there is neither the sun nor the moon, but people often do not think so, and they avoid heavy rain that can turn into a droned rat.But here you can see thousands of colorful umbrellas propped up under the gray sky.The strong color contrast beteen bright and dark gives people a huge visual impact.Sometimes you ill see three or even four people sharing the same umbrella, hich gives you a good interpretation of hat it means to see the truth in adversity.If you sit in the classroom listening to the ticking rain at this moment, you ill feel a long lost tranquility.The ticking notes are like transparent strings trembling under the slender fingers of a beauty, ho delightful they are! Can the morning rain in Weicheng and the night rain in Bashan have a more beautiful artistic conception than this?

  I ander alone in the mist and rain, searching for the anser in the rain.It is like a young oman, and the graceful dance under a light veil ith a smile is another mystery.






  高中英语作文 41

  People have uncontrollable desires, ahead.Yes, everyone returned home, indicating that he had made a move aay from home before that.On a long journey, it means leaving home.

  Gauguin has a painting that outlines omen in Nanyang.Regarding this painting, Gauguin himself said, "Parents give up the right to pursue freedom for their children, and their children also give up the pursuit of freedom for their on children." Therefore, in his later years, Gauguin left his relatives, his familiar hometon, and everything he as familiar ith, and ent to Nanyang to pursue his so-called freedom, Perhaps Gao Geng traveled far for the freedom of art and dreams.

  If a person has an uncontrollable desire, hy can parents give up the right to pursue for their children and be illing to live a peaceful and indifferent life.Gauguin ent in search of freedom.To some extent, the strong longing for freedom is more like the emptiness and loneliness of Gauguins soul in the city.

  There are alays people ho pursue something they are missing, they may have gained more, but they may also have lost more.As soon as people leave the countryside, they become orchids ithout roots, duckeeds chasing the aves, autumn tents flying, and Taraxacum scattered by the ind.Home is the root of orchids, duckeeds, autumn tents and Taraxacum.This deeply embeds our hearts, our parents, and possibly our children and grandchildren into this land.

  In Nanyang, Gauguin may have found hat he as pursuing, hat he loved to make up for the emptiness in his soul.But I believe there is alays a place in his heart that is alays arm.There is a land that captivates him.After all, he does not belong to Nanyang, and Nanyang ill not belong to him after all.Nanyang is just a midpoint in Gauguins life, but he is definitely not the end, nor the starting point.

  He ill eventually go home and return to the land here there is blood and seat.Even if his body does not return, his heart ill still return to that fertile land of blood.Even though dreams are important and realizing ones on value is important, hometon is alays the destination of andering hearts.Home alays elcomes us.

  Perhaps e still dont understand the ancient sentiment of "anderers mourning their homeland", because e havent left this land under our feet and havent pursued it yet, but isnt desire driving us to pursue it? Three years later, in a certain place, e are a drop in the ocean of "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, and missing our loved ones tice during holidays".That is our hometon that e all love, ith a local plot.

  If you are on the road, please look back at the place you came from and often go home to have a look.









  高中英语作文 42

  Living is a kind of happiness.

  Its great to be alive.

  I never thought that a person ho practices martial arts ould get cancer, let alone a young man in his tenties.The youth is just the beginning, and the floers of life are gradually blooming.I thought he could alk don ith our faith, but I didnt expect my prayers to change his fortune.

  I first met him at the age of 4.At that time, my soft legs ere oppressed and painful.As I cried in the darkness, I sa a brother ith hite teeth and a bright smile, alays giving people happiness.As 8 years passed, he became a young man in his tenties, and I became a little girl of 12.Afterards, he left everyone and ent to the provincial team.

  The last time I sa him as during a provincial team game hen he came to visit everyone.I ignored him because he left ithout saying goodbye.Very quickly, I approached him again and called for my brother.Unexpectedly, this goodbye as a fareell.In the martial arts class, I heard that he had cancer, so I didnt believe it, and my martial arts classmates ere donating money to him.On the afternoon of the donation, he passed aay at the age of only 21.

  In my opinion, young life is undoubtedly fearful hen faced ith the call of death.I can imagine his fear.But as soon as I think of never seeing that handsome and sunny big brother again from no on, my tears ill keep floing……

  Living is truly the greatest happiness.I ant to cherish our lives and extend them for my older brother.

  Cherishing life must be implemented in action.But often in a hurry, they ill do things that make people afraid later.Once hen I as sitting in my dads car, I as in a hurry to get off, so I didnt consider it and opened the car door before rushing don.Dad suddenly shouted Be careful! I just regained my senses and a silver hite flash flashed before my eyes.I atched ith lingering fear as the car drifted aay, and couldnt help but take a cold breath.Thinking about hat ould have happened if my dad hadnt reminded me? Thinking of this, I dare not think further.I feel alive again, its great.

  Turning longing into a dream, I thought of the scene here my brother took me to practice martial arts, as if under the purest sky, everyone returned to the past.The green grass, blooming floers, sirling and rising, accompanied by my eternal beauty, the aftertaste is my on memory.










  高中英语作文 43

  The scenery in Jiangnan is picturesque, ith drizzling rain.An old man and a flat boat are all scenery.

  Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to Jiangnan to play together.It as a drizzling day, and the sun as shy and astringent hiding in the clouds.A fe isps of smoke filled the air.I think this is hat people call the scenery of Jiangnan.

  My mother and I strolled in the Jiangnan alley, ith houses on both sides made of bluestone bricks, like daia.At our feet ere blocks of mud bricks covered in green moss, and e could hear creaking sounds from time to time as e stepped over them.

  Unconsciously, I alked onto an arch bridge, here a gentle breeze and drizzle brushed across my face, nourishing my body, cleansing my soul, and gradually calming my long noisy heart in the city.Looking don from the arch bridge, many families are ashing, playing, and playing by the lake.Happiness and joy permeate every face, and the lake is filled ith joyful laughter.The scenery here is peaceful.

  There is an old man in the middle of the lake, dressed in a coir raincoat, earing a bamboo hat on his head, ith slightly narroed eyes.He sits on a small boat quietly fishing, as if he is independent from the orld.He fluctuated and drifted ith the small boat.The broad bamboo hat covered his appearance, and his eyes ere exposed, revealing the refinement in the vicissitudes of life.

  I sa him sitting cross legged, holding the pole ith both hands.The pole as at a 45 degree angle to the lake surface, ith a thin line hanging don.When I sa the fishing rod sinking, I kne that a fish had taken a bait.I picked it up, pulled it up, and pulled it back, shoing a calm and composed demeanor.The old man and the small lake form a beautiful scenery.Perhaps it does not have the grandeur of mountains and rivers, the moving scenery of the West Lake, or the shock of floing straight don, but it is so peaceful.My mother and I stopped there for a long time and couldnt forget it.

  Looking back on the journey to Jiangnan, every plant and every brick in it is a landscape.Noadays, e live in the most beautiful and also the orst times.The natural beauty has gradually transformed into high-rise buildings, ith countless spotlights and flashing lights around us.The pressure of life and competition from ork have made our hearts even more restless.We have gradually overlooked the beauty around us and lost the enjoyment of beauty.When you pass by floers, you ill not bend don to help, and hen you pass by tall trees, you ill not look up, We often complain that there is no beautiful scenery to see around us.Perhaps you lack the discovery of beauty, but in fact, the scenery has alays been around us.

  The sunshine is slightly arm, the breeze is gentle, and beauty is everyhere.









  高中英语作文 44

  Mom, be careful! These hairpins have been sharpened for so many years, they are very sharp.Your eyes have been open for more than a day, and you have been spending so much energy eaving a seater for me! Mom, buying a seater doesnt cost much money, and its quite arm.Watching you get stabbed, I feel heartbroken! "At night, under the hall light at home, I as" nagging "at my mother ho as knitting a seater, alas! The role of this nagger is really reversed; It as clearly my mother ho as supposed to nag me, but no it has become me nagging.

  Mom raised her head slightly.Under the light, Mom as much older, but the light covered her ith a layer of radiance.Mom touched my head and said, "Good girl! Mom knos youre thinking for me, but the one she personally knitted is definitely a" arm "brand, much armer than the one she bought

  After hearing this, I suddenly became speechless and couldnt say anything to refute my mother: this is a pride of being a mother.Watching my child earing a seater that I personally knitted, I ould also arm up.I ould never understand ho hard it is for my mother to keep busy for me after ork during the day, and the mother under the light is like an angel - ith a halo.

  Once, my mother ent shopping in Maoming, hich really made me jump ith joy.After shopping, I bought an ice cream to quench my thirst.My mother and I ere alking on the street, but there erent many pedestrians on the street, so I thre the ice cream packaging paper on the ground.Mom sa it and glared at me, gesturing for me to pick it up and put it in the nearby trash can.I reluctantly picked it up, alked to the trash can, and thre the packaging paper in.The green frog shaped trash can, ith its Da Mouth open, seemed to say to me, "Its time to do this!" Hum! Im so angry! I as sulking all the ay home.

  In the evening, after dinner.Mom called me under the hall light, and under the light, I felt like I as going to the execution ground.

  I only heard my mother say to me: "Xiao Ping, if everyone did this today, ho much ork ould be brought to those Cleaner? Do you kno ho hard they clean under the light every morning before everyone gets up? I dont ant you to litter, in fact, I ant you to form a good habit!" After listening to my mothers ords, I kno I as rong.

  Under the lamp, it is not only a place for inspiration, but also a place for contemplation.








  高中英语作文 45

  I find people to be very strange, alays liking to fight against themselves and constantly belittling themselves.

  I am already a mild self masochist, but it is not serious.The symptoms of my attacks are often hen I am struggling, either punishing myself ith hunger strikes or spending a lot of money to comfort my already dry heart.

  One of my classmates once criticized me, saying that my hunger strike is not good for my current groth, development, and learning, and that I spend too much money.I feel very reasonable in my heart and should listen, but he may not understand my current situation.I am in chaos, confusion, hopelessness, and anxiety every day, and I cannot control my onset.Once I cannot control it, I cant help but vent, The only thing to be grateful for is that there have been no major disturbances so far.

  I dont dislike eating, I should say I am quite interested in it, but sometimes due to various reasons, not only the aforementioned factors, but also the factor of greed.I am very greedy.My greed for clothes and entertainment items has reached an unbeatable level.I have been trying to restrain these demons of desire, but I have failed.I cannot resist the magical temptation.

  I should be a frugal person by nature, and I am very good at living every penny.I dont have high requirements for a quality of life.As long as I have enough food, enough nutrition, and ont starve to death, as long as I have a comfortable nest to live in, I just ant the most basic destination for my soul.One thing I cant be careless about is that there is something about personal image, hich I value very much.Even if I dont have food to eat, it doesnt matter.I must make myself look good in front of others.The shalloest level of confidence often makes me feel better, because that is my last position.I have that little dignity, and I ont lose it even hen I die.From this, I can imagine ho tired and humble I am in life, It has no value to speak of.

  Before Qu Yuan droned in the river, he once said, "When I hear of it, those ho bathe in it ill bounce their crons, and those ho bathe in it ill shake their clothes.Who can observe ith their on bodies and receive the armth of things? Would it be better to go to the regular flo and be buried in the belly and ears of the river fish, or to be able to enjoy the armth of the orld ith the hiteness of their brightness?

  Although my realm cannot be equated ith it, the attachment of my heart must be strengthened and protected, and I ill remain steadfast until death!








  高中英语作文 46

  Sometimes, calm don and think about ho many people in life you need to be grateful for as you have gron up!

  For me, ho as born less than a month ago, having a eak and sickly body has really broken my parents hearts.Although as a girl, I am often obedient and sensible, but I also have my on stubbornness hen it comes to some major life events.Once, I really broke my parents hearts and broke them!

  Therefore, the most grateful thing in life is to give oneself life to raise oneself and gro up, and to love and take care of ones parents until no! Mom and Dad are no old and have gron up, but they cannot alays be by their side! Its my biggest guilt, but I alays feel grateful to my parents in my heart!

  As the second child in the same family, there is no father or mother ho doesnt love her.Most of the time, my sister loves my brother and sister and dotes on her.Of course, it comes from having a happy family.I ant to thank my brothers and sisters for groing up ith me, containing my illfulness and small temper.No, e have gron up.I hope e can all be good, harmonious and friendly relatives forever!

  Along the ay, there have been many friends around me.Although some of them have gradually drifted aay, they have also given me great help in life.Until no, the friends ho stay by my side can alays give me hat I ant no matter hen I need them, just open my mouth!

  Are you grateful to those sisters ho accompany you through youth?, Hiding under a blanket, crying together, laughing together, and saying that the days of chaos have passed aay, but in retrospect, it as such a precious memory of adolescence!

  No although e talk about our children, our husbands and our money, e are still the most important sisters in our lives!

  Thanks for the company of sisters along the ay!

  Thank someone for their unavering commitment! Although there is alays a sense of unease in my heart hen I say this sentence, after all these years of alking, if there is no particularly important reason, then I still have to continue alking!

  Thank you to your cutest child.Although they are often noisy and easily angered, it is because of their on sense of happiness that they burst into flames!

  Thank you to the child for their tolerance and understanding!

  Thank you for all the encounters in life! Even the arm sunshine in inter, I thank you all!













  高中英语作文 47

  Who knocked on my door, ho drove aay my drosiness, ho brought this silence, ho scattered this moonlight, and ho held onto my heartstrings?

  The autumn night alays carries a hint of desolation in the air.It ould be best to take a stroll during such a season.At this time, the night carries a chill and requires earing a coat.Walking on the street, atching the flickering lights in the ind, the ithering leaves on the branches, and the scattered and shattered shados behind, I suddenly understood the true meaning of silence in all sounds.The moon had unknoingly risen above the head and beyond the branches of the tree, and the silver moonlight slanted on the ground from the rugged branches, like tiny fragments of silver or early morning autumn frost, beautiful and slightly sad.

  There are no ithered vines or cros here, only an old locust tree.A very old tree, after a hundred years of ind and frost, still stands tall and upright, like a symbol and a monument.The night sky at night is dark blue, and compared to the deep blue in the morning and afternoon, it carries a hint of mystery.Her beauty is intangible, alays fleeting hen you are about to catch her, nodding and smiling at you in the distance.Perhaps it is precisely because of this that her beauty becomes longer and more enduring.

  The ind ble open the collar of the coat, brushed it across the neck, leaving a kiss that belonged to her, gentle and ith a hint of itching.The fallen leaves at their feet danced ith the melody of the ind, gradually disappearing from sight.So everything returned to the beginning, I strolled in the deserted street on a bright moonlight night, a silent orld.Plain and peaceful.The body, hich had been in a tense preparation period all day, finally began to truly relax.The hustle and fatigue of the day seem to quietly fade aay in this silence.The hole days anxiety and anxiety seemed to be truly set aside at this moment.Everything orldly is ashed aay here, ashing aay tiring intrigues, heavy reputation and benefits, and harsh noise.There is also a sense of purity and leisure here.This is the home of a peaceful state of mind, a barrier separating the meaningless noise, and a land of only tranquility.Simplicity can make people calm and indifferent.

  Unexpectedly, he met the old locust tree in the distance bathed in moonlight, and in an instant, he seemed to have discovered the Peach Blossom Land, a peach blossom land of his on.Its very beautiful.

  The moonlight oke me up from my deep sleep and led me to the old locust tree bathed in the moonlight.The tranquility held my heart strings, and I discovered my on peach blossom paradise.







  高中英语作文 48

  A smile carries many meanings.

  Ding Ling! "The alarm disturbed my Qingmeng.I squinted and picked up the alarm clock...its too late! Change school uniforms, ash up, have breakfast...all in one go.But my house lives on the 10th floor and only has one elevator.I rushed out of the house hile hoping for better luck.The elevator door is open, but it is sloly closing! If I dont catch up, the late punishment is aiting for me! Wait a minute! "I shouted in despair and rushed toards the elevator! To my surprise, the elevator door sloly opened again just as it as about to close.As I rushed into the elevator, my neighbors grandmother helped me hold don the door button.I atched ith lingering fear as the elevator door closed and smiled at my grandmother, saying, "Thank you!

  At noon, the cafeteria as overcroded, and a queue had to ait for dozens of minutes.After class, I rushed out of the classroom and grabbed a position at the front of the queue.Its finally my turn! But I sa on the table, a Campus card that did not belong to me, lying quietly.Countless thoughts flashed through my mind.Still? No return? If you return it immediately, youll have to queue up again.No, hat if the student cant find his Campus card card? What should she do if she ants to eat? What should she do if she ants to borro a book? So I grabbed the dinner plate, ran after it, and handed her the Campus card card: "Is this yours?" She as stunned, then surprised: "Ah, yes!" She smiled at me: "Thank you, classmate!" I aved my hand: "Its OK." Then, holding the dinner plate, she lined up in the long line of cooking.

  After school, the rain is pounding.This can cause great distress for those ho take the bus home.Standing at the bus stop, looking back, umbrellas come one after another, resembling poisonous mushrooms and colorful.The bus to be taken has arrived at the station, and a group of people are getting on.I hastily folded up my umbrella, but as still squeezed out of sight by the crod."Children, can you pass it to my sister?" A young sister in her tenties handed me a dozen Transit pass.I took it.Not light.If you havent paid either, put it on top, its not easy to make mistakes, "I nodded and folloed suit.And give all the cards in hand to the previous passenger.Card siped, card siped, card siped..."The machines voice as cold.Transit pass came back one by one.I smiled and took back the Transit pass and handed it to her.She smiled at me and handed the card to the next person.The Transit pass in hand still has residual temperature.

  Smiling lights up hope, arms the soul, and conveys trust.A smile blooms on the face and ripples in the heart.






  高中英语作文 49

  The high school life is never easy for me.On one hand, I have to learn so many subjects, for the purpose of entering a good university.On the other hand, I am so afraid of lagging behind other students.I alays feel like I am in the competition and sometimes I ant to get aay from this situation.When I am tired, I try not to think about the study, I ill go to the cinema and atch a movie.Losing in the movie can help me forget about the annoyance and laugh out loudly.

  Sometimes I ill ask my friends to go to the restaurant, buffet is my favorite.Eating all kinds of food and e play some fun games is also a good ay for me to be happy.When I am back, I ill be full of energy and fight for my future.



  高中英语作文 50

  Outside the indo, the scorching summer sun sept over the entire orld, and the floers and plants drooped their heads eakly.The scorching sun seemed to evaporate all the ater from their bodies, and the dogs on the street had long tongues sticking out, panting uncontrollably.The billoing heat ave seemed to melt everything, and the hot people didnt ant to move at all, hich made people couldnt help thinking of the sultry summer in old Beijing in Camel Xiangzi.It turned out that the summer along the coast ould also be unbearable.

  The door closed ith a bang.I got up from my desk, rubbed my sore neck, poured myself a glass of ater, and alked to the indo, aimlessly looking out.

  In such hot eather, its fortunate to stay at home.Without air conditioning, I really dont kno ho to spend this summer.Oh! It ould be even better if it erent for my mothers surveillance all day long."Thinking about it, I looked back at the telve story high textbooks and homeork stacked on the table and couldnt help but sigh again.

  The sun outside the indo seemed increasingly dazzling, like a large ball of fire that as burning brightly, scorching every corner of the ground.There are much feer people coming and going on the streets, and on such a hot day, Im afraid the cat has already gone into the house.

  Suddenly, my gaze as dran to a corner, as if countless parallel rays ere instantly concentrated at a single point.At the center of this point, a mother and daughter sat side by side on the steps.The daughter as about five or six years old, holding an ice cream in her hand and extending her arm to deliver it to her mothers mouth.With a smile on her face, she leaned don and gently pecked at the ice cream, then lifted her head and smiled at her daughter.This shot as infinitely stretched, magnified, and magnified on the open street until it finally caught my eye.

  I cant help but think of hen I as a child, hen I sat side by side ith my mother, leaning my furry little head against her.At that time, I felt that this as the most trustorthy place in the orld.The past is vividly remembered, like a book that has not been turned over for many years.The pages of the book have turned yello, but the ords on it are still clear and visible; Its like an old song that I havent heard for a long time, it still sounds so familiar, making people feel moved for a long time.

  I stood by the indo, dumbfounded.For a long time, a familiar sound of footsteps sounded at the door.I thre don the cup in my hand and rushed over to open the door.The person outside had a surprised expression on their face.That person, I had just been thinking.

  Outside the indo, it as arm.Originally, it asnt just sunshine.










