
自查报告2023-11-01 15:22:46jack



  英语六级作文 篇1

  Weixin has many functions. Weixin has basicfunctions, such as send hold-to-talk voice messages,text messages, pictures and videos. Weixin supportsWi-Fi and 3G data netork. And it supports China,Hong Kong, Macau, Taian, Japan and US PhoneNumber.

  Weixin has speakerphone. Gently press thebutton to speak. The other party ill be able to receive the voice after the button release.Weixin can enjoy group chat up to 20 people. What’s more, Weixin has many other attractivefunctions. The most attractive function is search people around you. Weixin can search peoplenear you ho has Weixin base on your on location. This function can make user to knopeople around you and then to built a ne relationship. Weixin alsosupports to send video.Shoot a video and send it to the other party immediately.

  The compressed video is also suitable for transmission in mobile netork. So you canalays share the onderful pieces of life ith other people at any time. Weixin also has driftbottle function.

  This function can share your messages to the orld anonymously and make ne friends.Weixin also has voice notes function. This function not only can save your voice memo, butalso keep your pictures and texts in a convenient ay. Weixin also can help you to catch yourmessages and keep you alays updated. Weixin has QQ mail notificationshich can alert youhen ne mails come to your QQ mailbox and you can read the mails right aay. It supportssending and receiving messages from Tencent micro blog.

  Weixin has English language edition. It is convenience for foreign to use it.

  It can help the company to dominate the market outside of China.

  英语六级作文 篇2

  The problem of NEET, once ell-knon in the UK and Japan, has been brought into public attention no in China. NEET refers to the group of the young ho are not currently engaged in education, employment or training. Most of these young people just stay at home or idle about, avoiding employment and relying on their parents.

  There are mainly to reasons for this phenomenon. For one thing, ith the expansion of university enrollment, an increasing number of college graduates pour into job-hunting market every year. Unfortunately, some of them are not fully prepared and thus become unemployed the time they graduate. For another, some young people are badly spoilt as the only child of  their family, so they psychologically and financially depend on their parents even hen they are already gron-ups.

  To solve this problem, first, colleges should provide pre-job training courses for the young. Second, parents should cultivate their children the sense of independence. Last but not the least, college students should equip themselves ith skills and knoledge so that they ill become competitive hen seeking jobs.

  英语六级作文 篇3

  As is graphically revealed in the cartoon,a fe employees are holding a conference in the meeting room equipped ith advanced devices.

  Hoever,the most striking feature of the draing is that the man in the center,ho seems like a manager,says that they have lots of information technology,hile useful information is badly needed.

  Simple as the illustration seems,it discloses a serious problem that it is rather hard to obtain helpful information in the highly modernized society.

  A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon.

  On the one hand,it can be partially due to the fact that the modern technology has been developing at an incredible speed,hich provides a booming amount of information and it is difficult to tell the right from the rong.

  On the other hand,it is also because the restriction about spreading information on the Internet is far from perfect,making it difficult to get rid of the problem effectively and fundamentally.

  From my perspective,it is high time that e transferred our focus from developing technology to searching for something helpful.

  Only in this ay can e acquire hat e literally need.

  英语六级作文 篇4

  The Importance of Building Trust BeteenTeachers and Students

  A good relationship beteen a teacher and a studentcan have a major influence on a kid's development, and trust is crucial and indispensable inmaintaining the relationship.

  To begin ith, only hen a student believes in his orher teacher is he or she illing to learn from theteacher or look to the teacher for guidance and support. In reality, too many students areeary of study and even drop out of school only because they dislike their teachers, hichmay transform their hole life. Besides, a teacher ho has the full trust of his or her studentsis more motivated to help them improve the consciousness and initiative of learning, hichin turn benefits the students most. Hoever, the credibility beteen teachers and students isnot something that can be built in a day. On the one hand, teachers should comprehend thestudents' actual demands and offer timely help. On the other hand, students should alays berespectful to their teachers.

  All in all, trust in a teacher-student relationship is a must to achieve effective teaching anlearning.

  英语六级作文 篇5

  The past years have seen the huge development of higher education in China and in contemporary society, it bees a trend for universities to be ranked according to certain standards each year.Meanhile, an increasing number of people deem it rather convenient to acquire information about quality of some universities.Searching the Internet, people can notice several editions of ranks very year.

  A number of individuals favor this ranking because of its advantages.To begin ith, ithout these ranks, it is impossible for people to make a direct parison beteen different colleges.In addition, it is this ranking that enables China to build up a system of assessing higher education and to enhance its overall development.Even so, others hold the opposite vie that university ranking carries some doubts.First, ranking all universities means a great amount of time and human resources; hoever, the quality and authority is not as satisfactory as expected.Second, hat orries many experts is that some colleges may focus too much eyesight on ranking itself, ignoring the needs of students.By and large, the advantage derived the annual university ranking far outeigh the disadvantages.

  An effective ranking ill bring colleges motivation, arouses their enthusiasm to strive, and helps China to enhance higher education.Hoever, it is advisable for this ranking to be scientific, practical and impartial.

  英语六级作文 篇6

  From the day the first digital product as given birth, unbelievable changes have happened in our life.

  A fe years ago, hen e read, prints on the paper are the only media hich carries meaning. When e listen to music, e have to buy magnetic tapes or CDs hich record the sound.

  Hoever, noadys, our life is a totally different picture. We read books all the same, but many of them are e-books hich is more convenient and more cheap. As to music, ith a matchbox-sized mp3 player, e can donload hatever e like from the boundless music files on the internet. These are only the most insignificant examples ho digital products have benefit us. Thanks to indigital products, the variety and quantity of information e can obtain is unprecedented. In everyday ork, study and many other aspects, digital products have played a more and more important life in our life.

  Hoever, on the other hand, digital products also cause many negative effects to our lives. As life become more and more convenient, most people become more and more indifferent.

  They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from ork. If they live alone, they ill kill their time by surfing online. They dont have any connections even ith their closest neighbors, ho seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street.

  For students, they spend much more time than before on listening to the music or playing computer games. These phenomena are no good to our universities, nor to our society. On the hole, it is high time that e recognized the positive effects and also the negative ones of digital products, and used them in the right ay.

  英语六级作文 篇7

  It is idely accept that the digital age has already arrived, such as mobile phone, Mp3, Mp4, digital camera, digital computer and so on. They make our life convenient and colourful.

  But at the same time many people maintain that just for these stuffs our life become more and more monotonous, and people lack face to face communication. Everything has to sides.

  The advantages of the digital products are obvious to some people. For one thing, in terms of convenient, the increasing popularity of using these has helped us save a lot of time. For another, due to the rising of digital age, it makes our life colourful. We often see all sorts of people bring different kinds of products of digital age to go sightseeing and travelling.

  Hoever, there are still quite a fe people ho strongly oppose these fashionable digital things. Reality mobile phones, in some extent, make friends lack face to face communication, and the famlies spend less and less time together, hich cause generation gap and indifference to the person around us. Personally, I side ith the former opinion. It is a onderful feeling and a great ay to make our life much more colour and conveiment. As long as the society is developed, there follos a great nummber of digital products.

  英语六级作文 篇8

  As can be seen clearly from the graph, the difference in the numbers of people orking in thethree major employment sectors in the u.k. economy in the early 1980s as relatively small, ith about 4 million orkers in engineering, 5 million in agriculture and 5.5 million in theservice industries.

  Hoever, the period 1980-1990 sa significant changes in the relative sizes of these threeemployment sectors. there as a rapid decline in employment in agriculture, ith the numberof orkers dropping by more than 80%. On the other, employment oppor tunities in the serviceindustries increased sharply, especially after 1986, hereas the engineering sectorexperienced a gradual but constant decline.

  Trends in the above graph clearly indicate that the service industries ill continue to employthe largest number of people at least for the next fe years, hile the engineering sector illneed somehat feer orkers in the next decade. On the hole, the total number ofemployment offered in these three sectors as much smaller than ten years before and theredoesn't seem to be any likelihood for improvement in the near future. So, students ho aregoing to graduate soon may need to prepare to seek employment elsehere.

  英语六级作文 篇9

  There is an old saying goes like this :“The best preparation for tomorro is doing your best today.” It’s the experience of our forefathers, hoever, it is correct in many cases even today. It implies the great significance of orking hard at the present instead of putting things off till tomorro.

  This argument can be proved by the folloing facts. First and foremost,only if e make the full use of the present can e grasp the opportunities that e fail to predict, as it is said that chance favors the prepared mind. Additionally, today is under our control hile tomorro is alays unpredictable and uncontrollable. We need to set a goal for tomorro and put it into action today.For example, if you ant to in the first prize in an English contest, hat you can do is to take advantage of every “today” to practice to ensure a victory.

  Judging from the evidence offered, e might safely dra the conclusion that it is very essential for us to seize the day and be prepared all the time for tomorro.

  英语六级作文 篇10

  Wherever one lives-in the city or in the country, there are some good reasons for oning a car. First, cars have become an important part of life in many countries. The car provides the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, a person can get around freely, ithout spending a lot of time. Second, a car is a comfortable ay to travel, especially in the inter time. A driver stays arm and dry even in the cold, rainy eather. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car hen he is out at night.

  There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against oning a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. The gas shortage has caused a big problem for drivers, and the price of fuel continues to go up each year. In addition, it costs a great deal to maintain, repair and insure a car. For another, oning a car can aim cause orry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. It often happens that a driver can be held up on his ay because of a traffic jam. What is orse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, hich pollutes the environment seriously.

  In spite of all the above-mentioned, I still favor oning a car. The reason is that the car gives a person the freedom to schedule his on time. Though e are confronted ith a problem of energy crisis, I am sure that the real solution ill have to be a ne kind of car, one that uses cheap, efficient fuel and does not contaminate the air.

  英语六级作文 篇11

  As a general rule, people like to help others, but there are occasions hen you should say no to requests for favors. For instance, it is better to refuse hen a child pesters you for seet food and drinks or for too many toys. Another example is hen a relative asks you to use yours influence to get him or her a bank loan or ork promotion.

  Hoever, e cannot ignore the fact that many people are reluctant to say no. They feel that if they turn don a request from a relative or friend, they ill cause ill-feeling ithin the family or become unpopular ith their acquaintances. A notable case in point is hen the boss asks them to do something hich they feel is unreasonable.

  It is important to keep in mind that not saying no hen you should say no can sometimes have harmful consequences. If children are giver everything they ask for, not only may their health be damaged, but they may gro up selfish and spoilt. Again, in the long run it is kinder to re fuse to lend money to a person ho has a gambling or alcoholism problem.

  英语六级作文 篇12

  There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorro is to do good ork today. Simple as the saying is, it informs us that one doesn’t need to orry about the future if he can seize the moment.

  It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good ork today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student ho is indulged in his ishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam ith a high score ithout any efforts and hardork,and he ill be devastated to accept the reality hen he fails. The same thing may be said of some gron-ups ho aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.

  Therefore, by some means or other e must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look don upon those little tasks. Only in this ay can e fulfill our dreams.

  英语六级作文 篇13

  It is universally acknoledged that the best preparation for tomorro is doing your best today. To put in another ord, it is ise for us to seize the moment and spare no efforts to finish the current task.

  On the one hand, actions play a key role in the course of achieving goals. As a consequence, it is imperative that e should take prompt actions to accomplish a future aim. On the other hand, e are supposed to attach due importance to the efficiency, hich exerts a critical impact on personal groth and future career. As a result, improving the efficiency is hat e cannot neglect.

  In a ord, effective and efficient actions must be taken by every individual for the sake of achieving great dreams. If e can make progress little by little, the dream ill come true in the near future.

  英语六级作文 篇14

  As e all kno, the best preparation for tomorro is doing best today. Since yesterday as all history and tomorro is a mystery, today is all e actually have. Hoever, there is a prevalent phenomenon that a host of people are no paying less attention to it. From my perspective, it is sensible for everyone to give priority to doing best today.

  There are various reasons that can account for this, and the folloing ones are the most typical. In the first place, it is orth mentioning that no individual can easily get access to success ithout taking immediate action. When devoting ourselves to the present task, e can achieve our goals more efficiently. What is more, e should alays bear in mind that it is today’s efforts that contribute to our future.To put it another ay, our chance to go ahead ill be slim if e fail to live in the present.

  From hat have been illustrated above e can dra a safe conclusion that e should not aim too high, and e’d better try our best to do hat e are doing no, only in this ay can e have a bright future.

  英语六级作文 篇15

  Online course, as a ne teaching method based on computer and Internet,allos teachers to give classes from a distance aay.It is becoming more than popular in colleges and universities,and acts as an effective complement to traditional teaching.

  Hoever, opinions on it differ from teachers to students.Generally, teachers support it for to reasons: Firstly, online course can be conducted at home or office and this offers great convenience to teachers.Secondly, online course releases teachers from repeating the same contents since the video or audio material can be played time and again.

  Hoever, many students have opposite standpoints: In the first place, ith online course, they lack face-to-face communications ith teachers and their confusion cannot be solved instantly.In addition, the computer system cannot be guaranteed to ork stably all the time.What’s more, they do not have 100 percent confidence in their self-discipline ithout teachers being around to supervise.

  Personally, ith the college students groing up, if the traditional teaching method and the modern ones like on-line course can be combined together, more fruitful education is sure to be realized.

  英语六级作文 篇16

  Noadays, college students are required to take part in some social practice, such as being an assistant in companies, or doing surveys, especially during the holidays. Social practice is gradually becoming more essential for China’s higher education. Hoever, social practice has both advantages and disadvantages for college students.

  On the one hand, it provides students more opportunities to contact ith the real orld off-campus;Besides, it helps students to grasp some practical skills, especially communication skills, hich is an essential supplement to on-campus study; Moreover, social practice can iden students’ vision. On the other hand, the negative effects can not be neglected: students’ major task is learning knoledge, hile curiosity about off-campus orld may distract them; Sometimes social practice is even treated unseriously and becomes a aste of time;Furthermore, the students may be faced ith dangers unexpectedly.

  Despite the potential negative effects of social practice, I strongly support social practice for college students, since as a hole,the benefits overhelm the likely harm. To heads are better than one, if students, schools, and the society join hands together, social practice can be carried out more effectively and better armed students for the society can be expected.

  英语六级作文 篇17

  As is shon in the picture, a master student is applying for a job, but he is rejected. The intervieer just tells him the reason hy he cannot get the job because he doesn’t have a Ph.D simple as picture is , hat it conveys to us that the requirements from the company is high and strict.

  It is of great necessity to figure out the negative influence behind it. On the one hand,from the perspective of the company, they ill lose the talents ho are qualified for the job, because the certificates cannot prove the applicants’ capability, as e all kno, some certificates are fake. On the other hand, from the employees, they believe they have a high degree, but they still can’t meet the needs of the companies, hich exerts an undesirable influence on their career plans or their mental health.

  To sum up, there are some suggestions responsible for the above-mentioned impact. Firstly, the company cannot only judge a person’s ability from the certificate, but most importantly, give them a chance and let them sho their real capability. Second, the applicants should improve their on practical ability in order to get their favorite job successfully.

  英语六级作文 篇18

  It is a common phenomenon that a large number of students are pursuing success ith a rong belief that there exists a shortcut to learning. The picture given reveals this fact in an ironic ay. We can easily notice from the cartoon that a student is asking the teacher in the library ho to achieve accomplishment in school ithout studying, hile the teacher is pointing to the fiction section to tell him to ork hard.

  Learning is actually a painstaking process in hich both students on campuses and employees of orking agencies are struggling to acquire knoledge by sparing great efforts. On the contrary, some people in today’s society aim at studying ithout hard ork, folloing the so-called “shortcut” ays. From my on perspective, there is no shortcut in the ay to learn. First and foremost, learning or obtaining knoledge is based on the accumulation step by step. The famous saying that Rome is not built in one day teaches us that no goal is achieved ithout persistence and accumulation. In addition, the shortcut to learning is extremely appealing to those ho are unilling to spend time and energy studying because they might in by a fluke. Hoever, students advocating the shortcut is unlikely to in every time. Last but not least, the fickleness and negative attitudes toards exams are responsible for the idespread trend of the shortcut belief, and it surely lead to the failure of study to some students. Taking a look around us, e can find that many agencies and people believe in the prediction of the exams, and students may be indulged in the so-called perditions and pay no attention to studying hard.

  As has been mentioned, learning ithout hard ork tends to be useless and meaningless, for students cannot have a great chance to gro into all-round intellectuals. The picture makes us college students aare of the great significance of true skill and genuine knoledge. Only by making efforts to learn in and after class can e gain solid and real ability and competence.

  英语六级作文 篇19

  We can see a teacher and a student in the cartoon above. When the teacher asks the student to anser a question ritten on the blackboard, the student ants to seek tech support rather than ork it out by himself. The picture aims to tell us the problem that young students are highly dependent on high technology, overlooking the importance of independent thinking.

  A large number of people point out that technology has played an irreplaceable part in learning process, hile many others are against it. Those in favor of high technology believe e have benefited a lot from the convenience brought by Information Technology. For instance, our ork efficiency has improved because computers can do complex calculations faster and more accurately than men. Also, the Internet has made it much easier to get access to information than before. Hoever, many people claim that over-dependence on technology has done more harm than good.

  As one of youngsters, I think as long as e can take advantages of hi-tech reasonably, our learning process ill be highly beneficial. At the same time, keep it in mind that independent thinking comes first, hile tech support just offers assistance. Only in this ay, can e benefit most from our learning process.

  英语六级作文 篇20

  According to the picture, an employer turns don a job applicant, for his degree is less advanced than the other applicants, even though he has a good resume. Actually, hat’s behind the cartoon is the tendency that employers focus on academic performance hen hiring.

  No one disputes that a college or higher degree opens doors. Despite that, as far as I’m concerned, academic degree should not be the primary criteria in selecting talents. First of all, academic degrees only represent the applicants’ proficiency in their school ork, and cannot demonstrate their personality or other abilities. For instance, the responsibility of a human resources manager is to deal ith people, and thus it requires advanced people skill hich is by no means shon in the diploma. Second, emphasis on degrees may stall the development of the company. They ill lose real talents if they judge people only by their educational background, hile it is often the case that college drop-outs like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Steve Jobs, etc., run ildly successful enterprises.

  Therefore, instead of running after applicants ith higher degrees, companies should become more concerned about hat it takes to do the job and hat a college education actually provides.


