
写事作文2023-12-04 19:39:26壹默



有关端午节的英语作文 (篇一)

Today is the traditional Chinese festival "Dragon Boat Festival"。 There are many customs on the Dragon Boat Festival, such as drinking realgar ine, racing dragon boats and making zongzi. My mother and I ill make zongzi!

At noon, e couldn't ait to take out the soaked glutinous rice, jujube and Zongye. Start making zongzi. First circle the zongzi leaves into a cone, ith the big mouth up and the tip don. Then thro a jujube into it, hich is just blocked on the sharp mouth. If the zongzi opens, it can block the rice and prevent leakage. It's really "one jujube blocking off, ten thousand meters don't come out"。

Then, I filled the glutinous rice ith zongzi, covered the glutinous rice ith the back Zongye, covered it ith another leaf, and tied the zongzi ith thin thread. A large and delicious zongzi as ready.

Looking at the seet zongzi, I thought of a great patriotic poet - Qu Yuan. For thousands of years, his great spirit has been integrated into small zongzi. When e taste zongzi, e can feel the distant patriotic plot.

有关端午节的英语作文 (篇二)

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. The Dragon Boat Festival alays changes days frequently in the Gregorian calendar, but in the lunar calendar, it is alays the fifth day of May. The Dragon Boat Festival, also knon as the Dragon Boat Festival, as a major day for disease elimination and epidemic prevention in the spring and Autumn period. After Qu Yuan died in the country, it became a day to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

In the Dragon Boat Festival, people have to race dragon boats, eat zongzi, hang ormood and other activities, among hich the essential thing is to eat zongzi. But my mother buys zongzi outside every year and has never made it by herself. This year, I ant to make zongzi by myself, so I asked my mother to make delicious zongzi for me. Finally, at my request, my parents agreed.

When all the materials ere ready, my mother took out to pieces of pork, cut them into small pieces, soaked the glutinous rice in cold ater for half an hour, and then ashed the green zongzi leaves clean. "Since e make it ourselves, e'll make meat dumplings different from those outside." Mother smiled and said to me.

Starting to pack zongzi, I sa my mother put three zongzi leaves in the palm of her hand, roll them into a small horn, put a layer of glutinous rice in it, then put a fe pieces of pork, and then put a layer of glutinous rice. Finally, seal the mouth, press it tightly ith your hand, pick up a zongzi thread ith your right hand, and rap it tightly around the zongzi for three times, folloed by a perfect knot. The zongzi is even rapped. I felt itchy, so I rapped it like my mother, but it as either big or small, or I opened up and don, and the glutinous rice leaked out. "For the first time, that's good." With my mother's encouragement, I packed more vigorously. After a hile, e packed a big pot.

My mother cooked the zongzi in the pot for four hours. The long-aaited zongzi finally came out of the pot. When the lid as opened, a smell came to my nostrils, including the fragrance of zongzi leaves and the taste of pork. Finally, our family happily ate delicious zongzi.

This Dragon Boat Festival is very meaningful. I not only ate the zongzi made by myself, but also kne the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and the story of Qu Yuan.

有关端午节的英语作文 (篇三)

Besides the Spring Festival, my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival. Why? Please put your ears together and I'll tell you quietly that zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite.

Mother bought the materials for making zongzi as early as a fe days ago and prepared the five-color thread. Early this morning, my mother began to make zongzi. I also ant to learn. Mother said, "ell, I'm afraid you can't learn."

Just do it. I picked up to Zong leaves like my mother, rolled them into a funnel-shaped tube, picked up some glutinous rice from the ater, put it in, press a honey jujube, rap it ith the rest of the leaves, and tie a thin nylon plastic rope. Eh, the zongzi I made is not very similar to that made by my mother. My mother's edges and corners are clear. Mine is not as good as hers, and each corner is a little round. Looking at the "strange thing" in my hand, my mother "chuckled" and said intermittently: "are you.。. This is zongzi.。. Zongzi?"

I blushed and had to ask my mother for advice. My mother held back her smile and said, "there's no secret hen making zongzi. Just fold the corners of zongzi, don't put too much rice, and attach another leaf hen you live in the bag."

Oh, so it is. I quickly rapped up zongzi as my mother said. Oh, this time my zongzi is much better than the last one. I began to rap the third and fourth

At noon, I'm going to start cooking zongzi. I ait and ait. One second seems to become a year. I finally kno hat "living like a year" is. With my mother's "zongzi out of the pot", I ran to the kitchen at the speed of 100 meters. Regardless of the hot boiled ater, I quickly picked out the less beautiful zongzi I rapped, opened the "package" and ate it ith relish. Mother smiled and said, "slo don, no one ill rob you. Look at your greedy appearance!"

This Dragon Boat Festival is the most unforgettable because I ate zongzi made by myself.

有关端午节的英语作文 (篇四)

The Dragon Boat Festival is held on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar every year. It is said that this festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet of the state of Chu during the Warring States period. There are many special customs in the Dragon Boat Festival. In our family, e hang mugort leaves and Acorus calamus on the door on the Dragon Boat Festival, and the family makes zongzi together.

Every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my father gets up early and goes to the vegetable market to choose carefully and buy a bunch of Wormood Leaves and Acorus calamus to hang on the door. Wormood Leaves look a bit like chrysanthemum leaves. They smell like light traditional Chinese medicine. Acorus calamus has no taste and looks like a sharp sord. It is said that hanging Wormood Leaves and Acorus calamus on the door can avoid disasters and seek blessings. After hanging up, e set out to grandma's house for the holiday.

At Grandma's house, e make zongzi every year. Grandma soaked the glutinous rice in the ater early, and prepared a lot of Zongye to soak in the ater. As soon as e arrived, e could make zongzi. Grandma taught me to choose a large and long Zong leaf, fold one end into a funnel like shape, hold it ith one hand to prevent it from loosening, then add soaked glutinous rice and one or to red dates into it, almost fill the small funnel, fold the other half of the Zong leaf back, cover the glutinous rice, rap it tightly, and finally tie it tightly ith a rope, and a zongzi is finished.

Grandma's action is very fast. Three times and to times, a zongzi is finished. With our assists, one after another, e quickly packed a lot. Grandma put zongzi into the pot to cook, and soon there ere bursts of fragrance. "Zongzi!" Dad brought a large plate of zongzi. I picked up one, untied the rope, peeled off the Zongye, and the hite glutinous rice stuffing as exposed. Take a bite. It's soft and axy. Take another bite. It's seet and fragrant. Originally, I ate seet red dates. Zongzi is really delicious!

If only it ere the Dragon Boat Festival every day.

有关端午节的英语作文 (篇五)

Time flies. In a flash, the annual Dragon Boat Festival has come. I am happy to jump and jump, because this is one of my favorite festivals. I can eat seet zongzi and play dragon boat races.

In the morning, hen I got up together, I smelled a faint fragrance, so I hurried to the kitchen. It turned out that my mother as making zongzi. I also ant to rap, so my mother told me that first of all, Zongye should be ashed and soaked in hot ater. Then prepare the ingredients, cook the stuffing you like, then put the stuffing in the rice and knead it together. Finally, put the prepared stuffing in the dumpling leaves surrounded by a nest, make the dumplings into a four corner shape, and then put the rapped dumplings in the pot and cook them over high heat. About five or six hours. In the process of cooking zongzi, I alays can't ait to open the lid to see the situation. Because of the aroma of zongzi floating out of the pot, my mouth atering.

Speaking of the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there as a story: in ancient times, there as a great patriotic poet Qu Yuan ho gave advice to the emperor, but some villains felt that Qu Yuan as too poerful and meddlesome. They spoke ill of Qu Yuan in front of the emperor every day. Sloly, the emperor believed the lie, ithdre Qu Yuan from his post and exiled him to the frontier. Qu Yuan, ho had the ambition of saving the country and the people and the plan of enriching the country and strengthening the people, as pushed out by his ministers. He as crazy. He came to the Miluo River and sang sad songs as he alked. On the fifth day of May 278 BC, he jumped into the river ith a big stone and killed himself. The people nearby learned that everyone as roing a boat to save him, but there as a vast ocean and aves everyhere. There as no trace of Qu Yuan. They ere very sad. They sprinkled the rice in the bamboo tube into the river, even if they ere dedicated to Qu Yuan. Also let the fish and shrimp full stomach, ill not hurt Qu Yuan's body, then they changed the bamboo tube filled ith rice into zongzi, and the roing boat into a dragon boat.

Eating zongzi and dragon boat racing is to commemorate Qu Yuan. Therefore, after liberation, the Dragon Boat Festival as designated as the poet's day. This is our traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival.

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