
考研资讯2023-11-20 09:16:0251data

Directions:Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of traffic. Write him an email to1) Suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and2) tell him about your arrangements.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your owe name. Use "Li Ming"instead. (10 points)


【范文】Dear Professor Smith,This email comes to you from a student named Li Ming. I am writing this email to you to extend my suggestions and plans on a debate on the theme of city traffic.The details, such as the topic of it, and my arrangements about this debate can be listed as follows. Initially, as for the topic, we may focus on "Bicycle sharing". Here are the reasons. On one hand, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient for people to travel, and the price of one trip is very low, which every one can afford. On the other hand, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, and no one can deny the fact that such behaviors is very dangerous. Finally, the debate will discuss whether bicycle sharing is a blessing or a curse. Participants can be pided into two groups to present their views alternatively.Thank you for reading this email. It is my sincere hope that I could contribute more to this debate. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Li Ming【译文】亲爱的史密斯教授:您收到的这封电子邮件来自一个叫李明的学生。我写这封邮件给您是为了表达我对一个关于城市交通主题的辩论的建议和计划。辩论主题等具体内容,以及我对这次辩论的安排如下:首先,关于主题,我们可以关注“共享单车”。以下是原因。一方面,共享单车使人们出行非常方便,而且一次行程的价格很低,每个人都能负担得起。另一方面,它的管理并不完善。甚至孩子们都能开锁和骑乘,没有人能否认这样的行为是非常危险的。最后,这场辩论将讨论共享单车是福还是祸。参加者可分为两组,轮流发表意见。感谢您阅读这封邮件。我真诚地希望我能对这场辩论作出更多贡献,期待您的回复。敬启,李明



