
考研资讯2023-11-13 07:22:2051data

你可以参考如下建议,看是否对你考研英语作文提高成绩有帮助。以下举的例子可能简单了一些,但是对英语写作的方法理解是有利的。最后写作一篇考研英语作文附后,其题目是:《跨文化沟通与包容合作》。对标题问题,我的回答是:英语是逻辑语言,逻辑是英语的灵魂。有的大考考生之所以出现英语写作困难的问题,是因为丢了英语逻辑思维。这样不仅仅导致英语写作没词儿写,还导致有词不知怎么写,尽管单词也会、语法也没问题。在不得不写英语作文的情况下,就只能背模板、套范文,结果:“想了模板/范文忘内容、想了内容忘语法、想了语法忘思路”,以至于写作主题不知道跑偏到哪里去了?最后还是没有写好英语作文。彻底解决提高英语写作能力的问题,需要不靠“拼凑的‘好词’”与不靠“模板和范文”,“不靠中文思维”,而要靠英文逻辑思维之方法才写好英语作文,如此学生写作英语作文成绩提升得高分,为此看一下用逻辑思维写作英语作文如下实例文。Aug. 17, 20--.Dear Mrs Green,I, Li Hua, thank you for your letter extending your friendly greetings to me and showing me your great kindness and your greatly-real help you brought to me during your stay in our school.This help is centrally concerned with my progress, which I make on putting into practice the English I learned from you.Your English-teaching method has been of quite a few benefit to me, that keeps me so much successful in acquiring knowledge about English from you. This enables me to take lessons much efficiently, for example, of English and history together with of math.At these, I have worked hard in particular by joining lessons-learning club in speaking and writing English more efficiently at present than in the past. These remained extremely interesting to me, as are involved in my day-to-day life, which I found valuable to me about social activity.That proves me possibly completely absorbed in being one of volunteers getting me ready for everything possible to do during the National Game hosted in the end of Aug., 20--, in this city, China.I shall tell people including athletes and reporters from all of China about the further information about the city, where I was born, together with about its culture such as paper cuttings and cross-talk, and about historical and interesting places and their stories spreading locally.These shall bring them to have good time during their stay here in the city. By this, a relationship be expected to turn friendly, through volunteers, to your and foreign visitors’ developing on culture and education between Sino-foreign friends to each other's delight.I look forward to your being once again in the city, where the 13th National Game will be held in the end of Aug., 20--.Yours truly,Li Hua.上述英语作文可以看出:没有“模板、套作”的痕迹(如:firstly, secondly, thirdly, in my opinion, Just as a famous saying goes..., In conclusion, It is high time that, For one thing, for another, As a matter of fact, However...),这些都是“废品”词语,因为模板、套作是别人写作英语作文词句,自己写作使用这模板套作就没有“思维思想性了”,因为一个人有一种思想,这思想与自己的思维是不同的,由此造成自己的思想与他人的使用英语模板岀现不匹配的问题。为了避免这类问题,大考考生有“词儿”写有思路写好英语作文,就要真正根据主题语境话题或观点,找出话题的原因和结果,配合使用英语逻辑单句及其组句和暗逻辑词、语句。也就是说,通过运用逻辑思维的方法,比如分析法和综合法,能发现主、客观思想的多样性,认识问题的各个侧面的各种概念及其判断和推理。如遵循用以下图解原理,练习英语写作能力便提升。





写作一篇考研英语作文如下。附一篇考研英语作文如下,其题目是《跨文化沟通与包容合作》The difference, remaining between Sino-foreign people over their thinking way, cultural background and way of dealing with the problem, does not make some from one country understood accurately by others from another culturally.A determined opposition is involved in cultural exchange between them, who could experience great cultural shock leading to misunderstanding by judging the behavior of others based on one’s own cultural background. This shows cross-culture exchange is getting of inpidualistic and ethnocentrism so extremely deeply that the close correlation exists between difference about two-nation culture.In this exchange, actually, we mean weitaming in Chinese by foreign-country vitamin, yintewang by internet and leida by radar. In comparison to this, foreigners mean skilled-art labor effort by kungfu in Chinese, paper tiger by zhilaohu and lose face by diulian, which are to write in entry of Oxford Dictionary respectively. As seen from this, a fully-close integration helps bring about cultural exchange in which to achieve a real breakthrough.For example American would keep different groups of people in collective-conscious harmony developed either in the community, not being considered as being adored inpidually, or in collectivism without being thought to own only in Asia inclusive of China and Japan, etc.The similarity with above exists in Latin-American countries where people sat so close together in a chat that they smell physically of each other, of whom to be at the touch to show enthusiasm. So did Arabian people, that can get into a lot trouble caused one who crosses intercultural-communication barrier by finding out real situation on basis of new ideas not of traditional concept of little avail.Combined with this, economic-globalization environment enables world-wide people to get together for a mutual exchange of cross culture unavoidably.It needs exploring by high-efficiency way to see it that the fore-said barrier is to reduce between its exchange. This means that one side does not has culture for cross-culture communication assimilated unquestioningly by another, which will be kept in forefront of your mind.One finds his/her own national culture remaining specially universal among counterpart, by thoroughly its understanding to communicate with the different-culture people successfully.此英语作文中文大意如下:不同思维方式、文化背景、处事方法的中外人们,无法确保对方正确无歧义的理解自己所表达的思想。人们通常会以自己的文化背景判断别人的行为,交流中出现文化冲击而致误解和强烈分歧。那么这种跨文化交流就有明显的个人主义和民族中心主义。跨文化交流程度日益加深,不同文化之间有相互渗透。比如。国外的维他命、因特网、雷达都进入了中国,而中国的词语功夫、纸老虎、丢脸已经进入了牛津字典。如此看来,更深层次的文化会有充分紧密融合,因此文化交流现实地打破思维定势。比如美国人维护不同人群集体在社区发展和谐意识,而不是人们认为美国人崇拜个人主义,而是同样有亚洲多地区偏向集体主义如中国和日本。人们认为拉美人交谈坐的离对方很近,以至于闻到对方的体味,并不时触碰对方身体,以示热情。同样阿拉伯人和自己交谈,离自己也很近,这会带来很大困扰。基于建立新的观念而不是以往徒劳无功的概念,我们要摸清现状而突破跨文化交流障碍。在全球经济化环境下,跨文化交流不可避免。如何高效准确交流,需要探索。因此需要注意是,减少文化交际中的障碍,并不是一方对另一方文化进行顺从。而应该是在对自己民族文化充分了解的前提下,去寻找对方文化存在的共性和特性,以便在不同文化的认识下,与不同文化的人成功交流。总结:上述英语写作的原理是:不靠模板靠逻辑,其逻辑思维有四种方式①一因一果,②一因多果,③多因一果,④多因多果;其表达的基本形式是,以观点为中心,左找原因,右找结果。这样写出来的英语作文有骨有肉。上述英语作文可以看出:事半功倍的英语逻辑思维写作是学生的思维推着老师走,不是老师的思维牵着学生走;是学生探究追问出来的多种可能的答案,不是老师设定的“唯一正确答案”如“模板范文套作”;是学生智慧的“释放源”,不是老师规定作文要求背诵的内容作为“供货源”。



