
考研资讯2023-11-08 04:21:3251data




1.综合写作话题11.2 社会类 在美国西部修建一座大桥的问题和解决方案11.5 生物类 动物幼年嬉戏打闹的原因(重复 2022.4.30)11.12 环境类 美国入海口Chesapeake bay 受到污染,生态被破坏11.16 考古类 Irish round towers的目的推测11.19 生物类 American burying beetle 减少的原因11.20 生物类 Bison(野牛)的大量减少源自于 EuropeanAmericans的西部迁移(重复 2018.6.10)11.27 考古类 Atlantic Ocean的最早到达者综合写作最常见的仍然是生物类考题,并且也出现了重复。商业和社会类的话题总体出现频率较低,但仍然时不时的会遇上,环境类话题跟生物或商业类可能会有素材重叠,各类型的常见词汇在托福听力中也很多,大家只要针对性地去熟悉这些高频话题词,理解就不会有太大的问题。另外仍然要提醒大家重视听力和阅读材料中的逻辑联系,不能是仅仅听懂就够,要捕捉到听力的主要论点和阅读论点之间的关系,也要注意到每个段落内部论点和论据之间的关系是因果还是举例。2.托福独立写作真题11.2 教育类(重复2022.7.9)Some schools require that during each school year children attendschool for nine months and then have a three-month break (a periodof three months in which they do not attend school). Other schoolsrequire that children attend school for three months at a time and thenhave a break of one month between each of the three-month periodsWhich schedule do you think is better for children's education, and why 11.5 工作类(重复2015.7.11)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.  11.12 教育类A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (aged 14-18) improve their teaching. The government now has two plans for the teacher’s training program:Plan 1: to choose a small group of excellent teachers and let them attend an additional training led by an expert to learn how to teach affectively. Later, these teachers will come back to their schools to train other teachers.Plan 2: to provide an online training and materials to all teachers and let them use online materials to study inpidually.Which plan do you think would be better and why 11.16 生活类(重复2022.10.15)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement It is better to travel abroad to different countries when you are younger than when you are older.11.19 教育/政府类上午场:In some nations, students do not pay any tuition to attend universities,However, in other nations, students must pay to attend universities and the cost of university tuition can be high. Do you believe that alnations should use taxes to fully fund universities so that students can study for free 下午场:版本一:Many schools require young children (aged 5-11) to study together in small groups instead of studying alone. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Requiring children to study in groups is the best way to teach them. And why 版本二: Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as muchas possible about a subject in a short period of time, is it better forthe professor to require students to work together in a group or towork alone 11.20 教育类Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Almost all parents sometimes disapprove of (do not like) the ways teachers are teaching their children; however, it is usually better for the parents not to express their disagreement or disapproval to the teacher.11.27 社会类There are two options for people in the communityto choose onhowto spend public money over the next year. One option for spendingthe money is to modernize and expand a public library. The otheroption is to renovate bus stations and increase the number of bus linesthat connect the community with other areas.Which one of the two options would you support and why 托福独立写作的话题中,教育类坚定的霸占了半壁江山。题型当中,观点类(do you agree or disagree) 和二选一是最常见的,那么大家还是可以选择其中一个观点去有偏向性地论证。需要注意的是,其中最常见的是“父母-儿童以及“老师-学生”这两个方向,有时也会涉及到教师工作、学校教育和政府税收相关的话题。但是直接指向“家长-教师”这个方向的还是相对少见,虽然是重复考题,我们还是要避免论证中心偏离,注意扣题,做到在每一个主体段中去强调“家长"和“教师”之间的联系。以上内容来自重庆新航道学校托福写作教研组张劭颖老师,更多托福写作以及托福备考资料,大家可以在线咨询重庆新航道学校客服获取。 原文链接:重庆雅思Alevel托福培训_新航道重庆学校官网_重庆出国留学培训机构



