emacs org,查询emp表中ename以a或c开头的人员信息

考研资讯2023-11-07 20:05:3451data


. * +   ^ $ \ [ 

emacs org,查询emp表中ename以a或c开头的人员信息

注意的一点,emacs的regex可以直接用 ` ` 与 `+`.

而在 `[]` 之内 这 `] - ^` 三个是特殊字符。

 . any character (but newline)  * previous character or group, repeated 0 or more time  + previous character or group, repeated 1 or more time    previous character or group, repeated 0 or 1 time  ^ start of line  $ end of line  [...]    any character between brackets  [^..]    any character not in the brackets  [a-z]    any character between a and z  \ prevents interpretation of following special char  \|or  \wword constituent  \bword boundary  \sc      character with c syntax (e.g. \s- for whitespace char)  \( \)    start/end of group  \< \>    start/end of word (faulty rendering: backslash + less-than and backslash + greater-than)  \_< \_>  start/end of symbol  \` \'    start/end of buffer/string  \1string matched by the first group  \nstring matched by the nth group  \{3\}    previous character or group, repeated 3 times  \{3,\}   previous character or group, repeated 3 or more times  \{3,6\}  previous character or group, repeated 3 to 6 times  \=match succeeds if it is located at point

此处要注意的是,有 or 的操作,但是要 escape 掉。

其中 * , + , and are non-greedy versions of *, +, and

另外列出语义化的semantic classes:

  [:digit:]  a digit, same as [0-9]  [:alpha:]  a letter (an alphabetic character)  [:alnum:]  a letter or a digit (an alphanumeric character)  [:upper:]  a letter in uppercase  [:lower:]  a letter in lowercase  [:graph:]  a visible character  [:print:]  a visible character plus the space character  [:space:]  a whitespace character, as defined by the syntax table, but typically [ \t\r\n\v\f], which includes the newline character  [:blank:]  a space or tab character  [:xdigit:] an hexadecimal digit  [:cntrl:]  a control character  [:ascii:]  an ascii character  [:nonascii:]  any non ascii character

然后是 syntax classes:

  \s-   whitespace character \s/   character quote character  \sw   word constituent     \s$   paired delimiter    \s_   symbol constituent   \s'   expression prefix   \s.   punctuation character\s<   comment starter     \s(   open delimiter character    \s>   comment ender\s)   close delimiter character   \s!   generic comment delimiter  \s"   string quote character      \s|   generic string delimiter   \s\   escape character     



 C-M-s     incremental forward search matching regexp C-M-r     incremental backward search matching regexp  replace-regexp   replace string matching regexp query-replace-regexp    same, but query before each replacement align-regexp     align, using strings matching regexp as delimiters highlight-regexp highlight strings matching regexp occur     show lines containing a match multi-occur      show lines in all buffers containing a match how-many  count the number of strings matching regexp keep-linesdelete all lines except those containing matches flush-lines      delete lines containing matches grep      call unix grep command and put result in a buffer lgrep     user-friendly interface to the grep command rgrep     recursive grep dired-do-copy-regexp    copy files with names matching regexp dired-do-rename-regexp  rename files matching regexp  find-grep-dired  display files containing matches for regexp with Dired



