
今日资讯2023-12-17 23:26:55微信公众号



M1 Lost and Found

– 这个作为绝对不会出如今月考,或者期中期末考试中,因为字数很难达到要求。但是还是会在单元考,或者小测中出现。



– 说明自己丢失了什么,什么地点,什么时间

– I lost my bag on my way to school on May 1st.

– It is my bag. I lost it in the dining hall of our school, on May 5th.


– 你所丢的东西的相关信息:

– It is a blue and white bag. There are some books and a blue wallet in the bag.

– It is a blue and white bag with some books and a yellow wallet in the bag.

– 希望找到的人可以归还

– I wish the finder can return this important bag to me?

– As/Since(因为)this bag is very important to me, I do(强调) hope the founder can return it to me soon.

– 告诉对方如何归还:

– I am Li Hua and I am a student in Wenzhou No.1 Middle school. You can come to my school or call me at 12345678.

– My name is Li Hua, a student in Wenzhou No.1 Middle School. You can either come to my school or call me at 12345678.

– 最后表示你会给予酬劳和表示感谢

– I will pay for my bag. Thanks a lot.

– I will pay for your kindness(善良,善良的举动.) I’d really appreciate(感激)it if you can return my bag.



I lost my bag on my way to school on May 1st. It is a blue and white bag. There are some books and a blue wallet in the bag. I wish the finder can return this important bag to me?I am Li Hua and I am a student in Wenzhou No.1 Middle school. You can come to my school or call me at 12345678. I will pay for my bag. Thanks a lot.



It is my bag. I lost it in the dining hall of our school, on May 5th. It is a blue and white bag with some books and a yellow wallet in the bag. As/Since this bag is very important to me, I do hope the founder can return it to me soon. My name is Li Hua, a student in Wenzhou No.1 Middle School. You can either come to my school or call me at 12345678. I will pay for your kindness I’d really appreciate it if you can return my bag.



– 说明是什么东西(可以用问句引出)

– Is this your bag?

– Whose bag is this?

– 说明你在哪里在什么地方找到:

– I found this bag in the school dining hall on June 4th.

– This school bag was found(被找到) in the school dining hall on June 4th.

– 里面有什么东西,不要太具体,以免有人冒认

– There are some books and a wallet in it.

– Some books and a wallet are in it.

– 说明如何获得这个东西,或者如何联系你

– The owner can come to Class 3, Grade 6 to get your bag, or call me at 12345678.

– If it is yours, call me at 12345678 or come to Class 3, Grade 6 to get it.



Is this your bag? I found this bag in the school dining hall on June 4th. There are some books and a wallet in it. The owner can come to Class 3, Grade 6 to get your bag, or call me at 12345678.



Whose bag is this? This school bag was found in the school dining hall on June 4th. Some books and a wallet are in it. If it is yours, call me at 12345678 or come to Class 3, Grade 6 to get it.

M2 What can you do?

以Choose me as the class monitor 为题,写一份演讲稿






能够:can,be able to, have the ability to …

擅长:be good at = do well in

高级表达:have a good command of 擅长;精通

Have talent in …在某事上有天赋


Outgoing: 外向的 humorous:幽默的 responsible:有责任的 reliable:可靠的

Be ready/willing to help others: 乐于帮助别人


– Hello, everyone. I would like to be the class monitor for our class.

– Hello, everyone. It’s my great honor(荣幸)/pleasure(荣幸)to run for(竞选) the class monitor here. (这个开头更像是演讲稿).



– As you know, I am outgoing and I am always ready to help others.

Besides(另外,这段看字数和能力,可以不用写,不一定是重点), I am very responsible so that you can believe in(信任) me.


– I am good at all subjects, so I can help other students with their lessons.

– (这一句可以省略):I can play sports well too, so I always enjoy doing sports with classmates.

– What’s more, I can be a good helper for both teachers and students. Because I have the ability=am able to communicate(沟通)/talk with others well.(有能力跟别人沟通良好.)


– So choose me as your class monitor, I promise to help when=whenever(无论何时) you need me.


– 重申自己想成为班长

– I really hope everyone can choose me as the class monitor.

– I am confident/sure I can make our class a better place.


Hello, everyone. It’s my great honor/pleasure to run for the class monitor here.

As you know, I am outgoing and I am always ready to help others. Besides, I am very responsible so that you can believe in me. I am good at all subjects, so I can help other students with their lessons. I can play sports well too, so I always enjoy doing sports with classmates.What’s more, I can be a good helper for both teachers and students. Because I have the ability=am able to communicate/talk with others well. So choose me as your class monitor, I promise to help when=whenever you need me.

I really hope everyone can choose me as the class monitor.I am confident/sure I can make our class a better place.

文章转载自微信公众号:一拳英语 OnePunch English



