
教育动态2024-01-21 10:51:32外语学习翻译者

1. at the end of the day - 最终

2. back to square one - 回到原点

3. beat around the bush - 拐弯抹角

4. bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关

5. break a leg - 祝你好运

6. call it a day - 收工

7. catch someone's eye - 引起某人注意

8. change one's mind - 改变主意

9. cut to the chase - 直奔主题

10. dead-end job - 死胡同的工作

11. down-to-earth - 脚踏实地的

12. draw a blank - 一无所获

13. drop the ball - 失误,疏忽

14. easy come, easy go - 来得容易去得快

15. every cloud has a silver lining - 黑暗中总有一线光明

16. face the music - 承担责任,面对现实

17. feel under the weather - 不舒服,感觉不好

18. get cold feet - 害怕,紧张不安

19. get off the hook - 摆脱困境,逃避惩罚

20. get over something - 克服困难,从某事中恢复过来

21. give someone a hand - 帮助某人,给某人支持和鼓励

22. go back to the drawing board - 重新开始,重新设计

23. go the extra mile - 做更多的努力,付出更多的时间和精力

24. have a change of heart - 改变想法,改变立场

25. hit the nail on the head - 一针见血,说得对

26. in a nutshell - 简而言之

27. in hot water - 处于困境中,处于麻烦之中

28. in the long run - 从长远来看

29. it's not rocket science - 这不是难事,这很简单

30. keep one's chin up - 保持乐观,振作精神

31. kill two birds with one stone - 一箭双雕,一举两得

32. let the cat out of the bag - 泄露秘密,说漏嘴了

33. make a long story short - 简单地说,不再继续讲述

34. miss the boat - 错失良机,错过机会

35. on the ball - 敏捷聪明的,反应快的

36. once in a blue moon - 千载难逢,难得一见

37. out of the blue - 突然地,意外地

38. play it by ear - 按照情况行事,临时决定

39. pull someone's leg - 开某人玩笑

40. put all one's eggs in one basket - 孤注一掷,孤注一蹴

41. put oneself in someone else's shoes - 设身处地为他人着想

42. rain cats and dogs - 大雨倾盆,暴雨滂沱

43. ring a bell - 让某人想起某事

44. rule of thumb - 经验法则,经验总结

45. see eye to eye - 意见一致,看法相同

46. shoot for the moon - 追求远大的目标,力争上游

47. sit on the fence - 保持中立,不表态

48. smell a rat - 察觉到不对劲的事情,察觉到有阴谋

49. spill the beans - 泄露秘密,说漏嘴了

50. take a rain check - 推迟安排,改日再约

51. take it easy - 放松心情,别着急

52. take something with a grain of salt - 对某事持怀疑态度,对某事不全信

53. the ball is in someone's court - 由某人决定,由某人负责

54. the best of both worlds - 兼顾两全,两全其美

55. the icing on the cake - 锦上添花之物,额外的好处或收获

56. the sky's the limit - 没有限制,没有界限

57. throw in the towel - 放弃,认输

58. under the weather - 不舒服,感觉不好

59. until the cows come home - 很长时间,一直到天荒地老

60. up in the air - 悬而未决,未定

61. when pigs fly - 永远不会发生的事情,不可能的事情

62. you can't judge a book by its cover - 不能以貌取人,不能只看表面



