
工作报告2023-11-08 17:52:32jack



  英语周记100字 篇1

  Today, I am also very busy. Morning, I do household chores at home to help my mother, I ould like to seep again, the seat haired. At noon, I sa “Journey to the West”, hich is a very very good-looking classic drama. I like to atch from an early age, it is no very fond of. I like the Monkey King. I as 3 years old hen the most like him, I think he should is my first idol.


  英语周记100字 篇2

  .I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didnt kno to do hat. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I as ill because of the hot eather. I as tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are orried about my health. in fact, it didnt matter. I as alays in the room ith air-conditioner and opened it in a lo temperature. So hen I ent out, the high temperature disagreed to me.At last, I as ill.


  英语周记100字 篇3

  It is very hot and et today and is called sauna eather.

  During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I sa her head as seaty.I told her I could help her and she accepted.

  After cooking,e ere all seaty .Hoever, mum and I all felt happy. She said I as groing up and became her good assistant.




  英语周记100字 篇4

  This Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

  While e ere alking along the road, the sun as shining brightly and the breeze as bloing gently. We sa the beautiful floers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their seet songs on the trees. The scenery as indeed very pretty (beautiful)。

  When e felt tired, e returned home. We sa Mother (our mother) ait (aiting) for us at the door.




  英语周记100字 篇5

  I hve mny friends. One of them is my clssmte M Hu.He is Legue member nd one of the best students in my clss.He is fond of English nd good t it. He often prctises reding loud. So he hs good pronuncition.

  He is lys redy to help others. With his help I hve mde GREt proGREss. I hve mde up my mind to ctch up ith him nd to join the Legue in the ner future.

  英语周记100字 篇6

  Because Jie Zitui died embracing a illo tree, the illo is believed to have miraculous poers against evil.

  During the Qingming Festival, illo branches are hung on door fronts and used to seep the tombs.

  英语周记100字 篇7

  My father took me out fishing today. At the beginning, e spent a long time aiting there but there as no fish.

  I as very impatient and didn't ant to stay there. I anted to come home. Father said to me, Don't give up everything easily. We should keep on trying hard.

  英语周记100字 篇8

  Grandma’s hand in hand to ork every day, the heart rough coarse hair. Every time I go to touch her hand, as in touch a old bark.

  I thought: today I’m going to help grandma do some houseork, take this as a holiday gift to send grandma.


  英语周记100字 篇9

  On Sunday afternoon, I as playing football,my mother said: your father is come back! .I run to the home.

  Dad is tall and thin.He love me..I love him too. Father is ork in the other city. Dad can go home once every to months, so I missed him.

  英语周记100字 篇10

  I have a house. It is big and ne. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom,one study and to bathrooms. I atch TV in the living-room. I do my homeork in the study.

  I have dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it.

  英语周记100字 篇11

  1Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played ith my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest.

  “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then e prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!

  英语周记100字 篇12

  I am used to doing some part-time jobs in my inter vacation. I can earn some money. But the most important thing is that I can learn ho to get along ith others from a part-time job.

  I believe such experience ill help me greatly hen I get into the society in the future.

  英语周记100字 篇13

  I hve mny friends. One of them is my clssmte M Hu.He is Legue member nd one of the best students in my clss.He is fond of English nd good t it. He often prctises reding loud. So he hs good pronuncition. He is lys redy to help others. With his help I hve mde GREt proGREss.

  I hve mde up my mind to ctch up ith him nd to join the Legue in the ner future.

  英语周记100字 篇14

  Since i s n innocent child, i hd the ide to be doctor in the future. I lys see the people died in the TV, i feels frustrted bout it. therefore, drem to be doctor cme into my mind.

  I nt to be the person ho cn sve people's life just like God Jesus.

  英语周记100字 篇15

  It is Sunday and it is a fine day today. We come to the People Park ith our English teacher ho came from Canada. Look ! Tom and other five boys are playing football. Cina and some girl students are flying kites.

  Alice and I are taking photos near the park. Alice and e are very happy. Alice helps us a lot ith our English.

  英语周记100字 篇16

  I ill have a busy summer vacation. I am going to do my homeork every day . I am going to the library to borro some books and go to the shops to buy some books.I am going to do sports such as playing table tennis, simming and so on. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay there for a eek.

  I am going to help my parents do some houseork.

  英语周记100字 篇17

  Today I am very happy. In the moring , I go to park ith my friend.In the afternoon, I visit my grandparents ith my parents, e have fun talking ith others。Iin the evening, it's funny to atch TV.

  Because today I do lots of things, I am very very happy.

  英语周记100字 篇18

  It as the eighth day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. My parents ent to camping. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. I stayed at home and atched TV. I rote an English daily composition. It as my homeork. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I as very tired. It as time for dinner.

  I must go! I am very hungry.

  英语周记100字 篇19

  Today WAS ho happy one day, because mother decided that has our exiting picnic! Each people made ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!

  Outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day.

  英语周记100字 篇20

  Home to the floor dirty, my mother did not e home, I decided to seep the floor. Say to ork, I took a broom to clean, a dustbin full and take out the garbage. Although the aist is sour,

  people also tired, seating seat dripping, can see the clean floor, my heart is seet

  英语周记100字 篇21

  Today, I ake up early in the morning, because it is the Ne Year’s Day, hen I go out and say hello to the eldership, they ill give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money.

  What’s more, hen I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, e have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.

  英语周记100字 篇22

  My mother’s birthday is coming soon, I ant to give her a surprise, it is my secret. My mother takes care of me all the time, she is orking so hard for the family, as I gro up, I kno it is not easy for her to be a houseife.

  I have saved some money, I plan to buy her a scarf, hich she ill like.

  英语周记100字 篇23

  I am not a confident girl, hen I meet difficult, the first reaction is to find my parents, they ill do all the things for me. No I have gron up, I kno I must learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulty myself. I should be confident, I believe I can make it.

  I should trust myself, that is the first step, then all the things can be solved.

  英语周记100字 篇24

  Today is Saturday, my father doesn’t have to ork, so I can enjoy the eekend ith him, I feel so happy. My father and I decide to plant a small tree in our garden, so the garden ill look more green. My father digs the hole, then I put the tree in the hole, e put the earth together.

  I think it is a meaning thing, I ill see the tree gros up.

  英语周记100字 篇25

  Directions: For this part, you are alloed 30 minutes to rite a short essay. You should start your essay ith a brief description of the picture and then express your vies on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big.

  You should rite at least 120 ords but no more than 180 ords.

  英语周记100字 篇26

  It as the eighth day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. My parents ent to camping. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. I stayed at home and atched TV. I rote an English daily composition. It as my homeork. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I as very tired. It as time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

  英语周记100字 篇27

  Today WAS ho happy one day, because mother decided that has our exiting picnic! Each people made ready especially anticipation and excited, prepared the respective baggage to prepare to embark!

  Outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day.

  英语周记100字 篇28

  Home to the floor dirty, my mother did not e home, I decided to seep the floor. Say to ork, I took a broom to clean, a dustbin full and take out the garbage. Although the aist is sour, people also tired, seating seat dripping, can see the clean floor, my heart is seet

  英语周记100字 篇29

  Today, I ake up early in the morning, because it is the Ne Year’s Day, hen I go out and say hello to the eldership, they ill give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money. What’s more, hen I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, e have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.

  英语周记100字 篇30

  My mother’s birthday is coming soon, I ant to give her a surprise, it is my secret. My mother takes care of me all the time, she is orking so hard for the family, as I gro up, I kno it is not easy for her to be a houseife. I have saved some money, I plan to buy her a scarf, hich she ill like.

  英语周记100字 篇31

  I am not a confident girl, hen I meet difficult, the first reaction is to find my parents, they ill do all the things for me. No I have gron up, I kno I must learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulty myself. I should be confident, I believe I can make it. I should trust myself, that is the first step, then all the things can be solved.

  英语周记100字 篇32

  Planting Trees

  Today is Saturday, my father doesn’t have to ork, so I can enjoy the eekend ith him, I feel so happy. My father and I decide to plant a small tree in our garden, so the garden ill look more green. My father digs the hole, then I put the tree in the hole, e put the earth together. I think it is a meaning thing, I ill see the tree gros up.

  英语周记100字 篇33

  Directions: For this part, you are alloed 30 minutes to rite a short essay. You should start your essay ith a brief description of the picture and then express your vies on the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big. You should rite at least 120 ords but no more than 180 ords.

  英语周记100字 篇34

  Tomorro is Ne Year’s Day, my family have had a completely cleaning for to days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper e atched TV program. Ho happy e ere!


  英语周记100字 篇35

  The day after yesterday I received 2000 yuan from my relatives as my pocket money. I as so happy but my father and mother said that I should give a half to them and the rest ould be my pocket money in one year. “hat!” I shouted.


  英语周记100字 篇36

  My handriting is very good today. My mother rearded me ith a big drumstick. I've eaten all the chicken legs, and I've had a big meal. I ant to say to my mother: Mom, I ill try hard..

  I'm so happy today.

  英语周记100字 篇37

  Today, I ent shopping ith my mom, bought a lot of snacks, and e bought a lot of ne pants, ne shoes. Later, my mother took me to climb Tianmenshan Mountain, Tianmenshan Mountain is really fun, I really like that place. I'm so happy on this day!

  英语周记100字 篇38

  Today is teacher's day. Every student is in high spirits. We all have floers. Because e have a surprise for our teacher. Everyone is holding floers, singing the heart of thanksgiving. So that the teacher moved to tears, here I ish the teacher health, ork smoothly.

  英语周记100字 篇39

  All of us have hobbies. my hobbies are changeing all the time . l used to listen to music .listening to music helped me relax .but no l like piaying sports liak piaying basketball and simming . piaying basketball are make me strong .simming is a good ay to keep healthy . hat do you have hobbies . can you share ith me.

  英语周记100字 篇40

  Today, my sister and me to a dirty dog take a shoer, sister to bring ater, then used ashbasin and soap, e first make the dog ater et, and then rubbed ith soap and rub a rub, finally ashed ith clean ater! The dog is hite and beautiful! 译文:这天,我和姐姐给脏脏的小狗洗澡,姐姐先拿来热水,然后再拿来脸盆和肥皂,咱们先把狗用水打湿,再擦上肥皂搓一搓,最后用清水洗干净!小狗变得又白又漂亮!

  英语周记100字 篇41

  It as Monday and everyone ould go to ork and earn their breads and raise their family.What a life!

  Life is but a dream.My mates alays complained it to me.I just gave them a smile and said nothing.What do e live for?

  Things like that are too profound and hard to anser.I am too young,too fledgling.So I grasped one of my ork and began to finish it.

  英语周记100字 篇42

  Justin bieber is my idol,He is a man is rapidly rising canada, the teenager singer, as born 94, he is my idol is because he as singing and dancing are all very ell, I ant to learn from him. and he is a filial, it is orth studying, he is a very serious person, so i love him. and he himself very smart, i think he is orth our study.

  英语周记100字 篇43

  I am from shenzhen. In spring ,the eather is arm and et.I can play kite. In summer, the eather is hot and et. I can sim in the simming pool. In the autumn, the eather is cool and dry. I can play kite, too. In the inter, the eather is cold and dry. It never snos.

  英语周记100字 篇44

  This eekend I am pleased,and hy?I did a little dedication to help the community!Saturday morning,I alked in the street and sa a dirty corner,I go home pick up tools to clean it,the people can see I have put up the thumb!


  英语周记100字 篇45

  On Sunday afternoon, I as playing football,

  my mother said: your father is come back! .I run to the home.

  Dad is tall and thin.He love me..I love him too. Father is ork in the other city. Dad can go home once every to months, so I missed him.

  英语周记100字 篇46

  My grandmother'home is not far aay from my home. I used only a fe minutes to alk from my grandmother's home to my home. I am happy to see my grangfmother and grandfather.They all love me.

  My father often go to school to ait me.My mother

  often go to the super-market .She often buy some food for me.

  I love them all.

  英语周记100字 篇47

  Today is Wednesday.Igo to zoo ith my best friend.

  My favorite animal is panda . The panda looks like a bear and polar bear . I think the panda are very cute and lovely , and is very strong and heavy . they can alk , and they can climb trees . they lives in the china . I like them .

  英语周记100字 篇48

  Since i as an innocent child, i had the idea to be a doctor in the future. I alays see the people died in the TV, i feels frustrated about it. therefore, a dream to be a doctor came into my mind.

  I ant to be the person ho can save people's life just like God Jesus.

  英语周记100字 篇49

  My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading as very interesting. I become interested in reading. I like books, because they help me in many ays. This is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.



