提升英语作文分数!以“病毒不走 战斗不止”为题 考研英语写出水平

法律职业2023-12-04 17:00:2851data

文/刘宝彩/天津一个话题在不同时间、不同思维、写出不同的英语作文,让考生有操控感、成就感,解决了课堂内外英语写作素材、思路和表达统一问题,提升考生写作英语分数及其水平。结合如下已知写作条件,英语考研生写作英语作文参考练手作文:写一封英文感谢信,致意奋战在抗击奥密克戎病毒一线的医护人员及志愿者,写三要点:1.表达谢意;2.个人感受;3.表达信心。生词:流行病epidemic;疫情epidemic situation;奥密克戎病毒Omicron-21 coronavirusDear Medical workers and volunteers,As one of high middle-school students, I, Li Hua, write you a letter expressing sincere gratitude to you, for your devotion in this battle against the Omicron-21 virus. Its illnesses associated with serious infection enables people to stay indoors in an unimaginably horrible situation.You keep an eye on infection-fighting requirements met for health of people, whom to turn favorable to making them healthy at their services you doctors offered to in fighting not only against Omicron-21 virus but its fear. This has me feel confident of Omicron-21 battle victory by fighting against its epidemic situation.This inspires me to give you a round of applause for your still working day and night, that believes in your working hard at stopping infection from spreading to one part from other. Your decisive-and-effective action makes people helpful in protecting them from being infected with disease possibly at its epidemic risk.Day by day and night by night, you together volunteers are at work that gets all of you admired and/or respected by all people for their physical health. This keeps me positive about saying you that I join them in sending my thanks to you for your great efforts you made on and kind help offered to all people.Good luck !Yours sincerely,Li Hua上述英语写作可以得到启示英语逻辑写作是开发思维性的写作;避免学习英语10-18年了“没词儿写,有词儿不知怎么写”的尴尬。可以通过英语逻辑写作法,不断挖掘写作内容的原因和结果而得到写作源泉、学习用英语思维表达思想自由飞翔世界的愉快之感,而获得更多的能量。这样通过不断思考从周围人和环境学到的知识而持续地提升优秀英语写作的真正能力。总结:上述英语文让考生少走或不走模板捷径之“弯路”——“想了范文忘内容;想了内容忘语法;想了语法忘模板”循环不佳英语写作——“千人一面孔”、“削足适履”写英语事倍功半的现象得以避免。英语思维写英语让学生达到作文审题不会漏、论据过渡也不丢、观点逻辑跑不走、内容语法呈现优秀,会诠释出:英语写作今日之努力绽放明日希望铸就未来辉煌。为此带给大考考生写作英语增强思想性减少形式性,彰显英语写作应用价值,英语思维逻辑写作勇于接纳学生走向英语写作成功之路。肯定达到:提升英语作文分数!以“病毒不走 战斗不止”为题 考研英语写出水平。



